VIMS Articles | Virginia Institute of Marine Science | William & Mary


Submissions from 2020


Large Projected Population Loss of a Salt Marsh Bivalve (Geukensia demissa) from Sea Level Rise, Robert Isdell, Donna M. Bilkovic, and Carlton Hershner


Linking Antarctic krill larval supply and recruitment along the Antarctic Peninsula, John A. Conroy, Christian S . Reiss, Miram R . Gleiber, and Deborah K. Steinberg


Long-term observations of pteropod phenology along the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Patrica S. Thibodeau, Deborah K. Steinberg, Colleen E. McBride, John A. Conroy, and Hugh W. Ducklow


Massive pollutants released to Galveston Bay during Hurricane Harvey: Understanding their retention and pathway using Lagrangian numerical simulations, Jiabi Du, Kyeong Park, Xin Yu, Yinglong J. Zhang, and Fei Ye


Microplastics affect sedimentary microbial communities and nitrogen cycling, Meredith E. Seeley, BK Song, Renia Passie, and Robert C. Hale


Modeling Marsh‐Forest Boundary Transgression in Response to Storms and Sea‐Level Rise, J. Carr, G. Guntenspergen, and Matthew L. Kirwan


Movements, habitat utilization, and post-release survival of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) that summer in Virginia waters assessed using pop-up satellite archival tags, Douglas R. Jensen and John Graves


Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance in a North Carolina, USA, Salt Marsh, K. M. Czapla, Iris C. Anderson, and C. A. Currin


Not All Nitrogen Is Created Equal: Differential Effects of Nitrate and Ammonium Enrichment in Coastal Wetlands, Jennifer L. Bowen, Anne E. Giblin, Anna E. Murphy, Ashley N. Bulseco, Linda A. Deegan, David S. Johnson, and et al


ocean_data_tools: A MATLAB toolbox for interacting with bulk freely-available oceanographic data, Laur Ferris


Population Structure of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus in the Maryland Coastal Bays, Kristen A. Lycett, Jeffrey D. Shields, J. Sook Chung, and Joseph S. Pitula


Positive Ecological Interactions and the Success of Seagrass Restoration, Stephanie R. Valdez, Y. Stacy Zhang, Tjisse van der Heide, Mathew A. Vanderklift, Flavia Tarquinio, R J. Orth, and Brian R. Silliman


Potential physical impacts of sea-level rise on the Pearl River Estuary, China, Bo Hong, Zhonghui Liu, Jian Shen, Hui Wu, Wenping Gong, Hongzhou Xu, and Dongxiao Wang


Preliminary Assessment of Microbial Community Structure of Wind-Tidal Flats in the Laguna Madre, Texas, USA, I-Shuo Huang, Lee J. Pinnell, Jeffrey W. Turner, and et al


Providential Tides: the Double Low Water of Narragansett Bay, D. G. Bowers and J. M. Brubaker


Quantifying the behavioral and economic effects of regulatory change in a recreational cobia fishery, Andrew M. Scheld, William M. Goldsmith, Shelby White, Hamish J. Small, and Susanna Musick


Relative impacts of global changes and regional watershed changes on the inorganic carbon balance of the Chesapeake Bay, Pierre St-Laurent, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Raymond G. Najjar, Elizabeth Shadwick, Hanquin Tian, and Yuanzhi Yao


Representing the function and sensitivity of coastal interfaces in Earth system models, ND Ward, JP Megonigal, B Bond-Lamberty, VL Bailey, D Butman, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and et al


Response of stratification processes to tidal current alteration due to channel narrowing and deepening, Lei Zhu, Qing He, and Jian Shen


Restoration of seagrass habitat leads to rapid recovery of coastal ecosystem services, Robert J. Orth, Jonathan S. Lefcheck, Karen S. McGlathery, Lillian Aoki, Mark Luckenbach, Kenneth A. Moore, Matthew P.J. Oreska, Richard A. Snyder, David J. Wilcox, and Bo Lusk


Role of delta-front erosion in sustaining salt marshes under sea-level rise and fluvial sediment decline, Shi Lun Yang, Xiangxin Luo, Stijn Temmerman, Matthew L. Kirwan, and et al


Saildrone: Adaptively Sampling the Marine Environment, C. L. Gentemann, Joel P. Scott, Piero L. F. Mazzini, Cassia Pianca, and et al


Salinity and Simulated Herbivory Influence Spartina alterniflora Traits and Defense Strategy, Serina Sebilian Wittyngham


Seasonal Variability of the CO2 System in a Large Coastal Plain Estuary, Jaclyn R. Friedman, Elizabeth H. Shadwick, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Raymond G. Najjar, Olivia A. De Meo, Fei Da, and Juliette L. Smith


Secchi disk measurements in turbid water, D. G. Bowers, E M. Roberts, A. M. Hoguane, K A. Fall, Grace M. Massey, and Carl T. Friedrichs


Sediment Delivery to a Tidal Marsh Platform Is Minimized by Source Decoupling and Flux Convergence, Daniel J. Coleman, Neil K. Ganju, and Matthew L. Kirwan


Sensitivity of a shark nursery habitat to a changing climate, Daniel Crear, Robert Latour, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Pierre St-Laurent, and Kevin C. Weng


Simulating storm surge and compound flooding events with a creek-to-ocean model: Importance of baroclinic effects, Fei Ye, Yinglong J. Zhang, Haocheng Yu, Weiling Sun, Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Karinna Nunez, Ruoyin Zhang, Harry V. Wang, Aron Roland, Kevin Martins, Xavier Bertin, Jiabi Du, and Zhou Liiu


Single-Use Plastics and COVID-19: Scientific Evidence and Environmental Regulations, Robert C. Hale and BK Song


Spatial Variations of Phytoplankton Biomass Controlled by River Plume Dynamics Over the Lower Changjiang Estuary and Adjacent Shelf Based on High-Resolution Observations, Zhaoru Zhang, Meng Zhou, et al, and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Spillover of sea scallops from rotational closures in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (United States), Deborah R. Hart, Daphne M. Munroe, Joseph C. Caracappa, Dale Haidvogel, Burton V. Shank, David Rudders, and et al


Sublethal effects of salinity and temperature on non-native blue catfish: Implications for establishment in Atlantic slope drainages, Vaskar Nepal and Mary C. Fabrizio


The Case of the ‘Missing’ Arctic Bivalves and The Walrus: The Biggest [Overlooked] Clam Fishery on the Planet, Roger L. Mann, Eric N. Powell, and Daphne M. Munroe


The Development of Attitudes Toward Scientific Models During a Participatory Modeling Process – The Impact of Participation and Social Network Structure, Taylor Goelz, T. W. Hartley, Andrew M. Scheld, and Inga Carboni


The Effect of Fertilization on Biomass and Metabolism in North Carolina Salt Marshes: Modulated by Location-Specific Factors, K. M. Czapla, I. C. Anderson, and C. A. Currin


The Impact of Winter Storms on Sediment Transport Through a Narrow Strait, Bohai, China, Chenghao Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Courtney K. Harris, and et al


The power struggle: assessing interacting global change stressors via experimental studies on sharks, Ian A. Bouyoucos, Sue-Ann Watson, Serge Planes, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Gail D. Schwieterman, and et al


The role of sexual reproduction in the maintenance of established Zostera marina meadows, Andrew J. Johnson, R J. Orth, and Ken Moore


Timing of the reproductive cycle of waved whelk, Buccinum undatum, on the US Mid-Atlantic Bight, Sarah Borsetti, Daphne Munroe, David Rudders, and Jul-Han Chang


Trace Metal Availability Affects Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Microbial Functional Group Abundance in Freshwater Wetland Sediments, George Giannopoulos, Katherine R. Hartop, Bonnie L. Brown, Bongkeun Song, Lars Elsgaard, and Rima B. Franklin


Using Long-Term Data From Antarctica to Teach Ocean Acidification, Patrica S. Thibodeau


VolKilau: Volcano rapid response balloon campaign during the 2018 Kilauea eruption, Jean Paul Vernier, Lars E. Kalnajs, Jorge Andrés Diaz, Tom Reese, Ernesto Corrales, Alfredo Alan, Hazel Vernier, and et al


Water temperature during winter may control striped bass recruitment during spring by affecting the development time of copepod nauplii, Nicole C. Millette, J. J. Pierson, and E. W. North


What Drives Property Owners to Modify their Shorelines? A Case Study of Gloucester County, Virginia, Sarah Stafford and Amanda Guthrie


Worker exposure to flame retardants in manufacturing, construction and service industries, C. Fairfield Estill, J. Slone, A. Mayer, I-C Chen, and Mark J. La Guardia


Zooplankton diel vertical migration during Antarctic summer, John A. Conroy, Deborah K. Steinberg, Patrica S. Thibodeau, and Oscar Schofield

Submissions from 2019


A conservation palaeobiological perspective on Chesapeake Bay oysters, Rowan Lockwood and Roger L. Mann


A data-driven modeling approach for simulating algal blooms in the tidal freshwater of James River in response to riverine nutrient loading, Jian Shen, Qubin Qin, Ya Wang, and Mac Sisson


Advancing Marine Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Reanalyses and Forecasts as Tools for Monitoring and Managing Ecosystem Health, K Fennel, M Gehlen, P Brasseur, CW Brown, C Ciavatta, G Cossarini, A Crise, CA Edwards, D Ford, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and et al


Advocating for Science: Amici Curiae Brief of Wetland and Water Scientists in Support of the Clean Water Rule, RC Gardner, E Okuno, et al, JE Perry, and et al


A general theory of age-length keys: combining the forward and inverse keys to estimate age composition from incomplete data, Lisa E. Ailloud and John M. Hoenig


A hydrodynamic model for Galveston Bay and the shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Jiabi Du, Kyeong Park, Jian Shen, Yinglong J. Zhang, Xin Yu, Fei Ye, Zhengui Wang, and Nancy N. Rabalais


Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, R. G. Najjar, M. Herrmann, S. M. Cintrón Del Valle, Jaclyn R. Friedman, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and et al


Analysing tropical elasmobranch blood samples in the field: blood stability during storage and validation of the HemoCue® haemoglobin analyser, Gail D. Schwieterman, Ian A. Bouyoucos, Kristy Potgieter, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Richard Brill, and Jody L. Rummer


A novel adaptation facilitates seed establishment under marine turbulent flows, Gary A. Kendrick, Andrew W. Pomeroy, R J. Orth, Marion L. Cambridge, Jeremy Shaw, and et al


Are coastal habitats important nurseries? A meta-analysis, Jonathan S. Lefcheck, Brent B. Hughes, Andrew J. Johnson, Bruce W. Pfirrman, Douglas B. Rasher, Ashley R. Smyth, Bethany L. Williams, Michael W. Beck, and R J. Orth


Assessing Resiliency in the Face of Sea-Level Rise, Kristen Sharpe and Sarah Nuss


Assessing Short-Term Learning and Long-Term Impacts of Non-Formal Education Programs, Mallory Munden and Sarah Nuss


Assessment of spray polyurethane foam worker exposure to organophosphate flame retardants through measures in air, hand wipes, and urine, CF Estill, J Slone, et al, Mark J. La Guardia, and et al


Assessment of Spray Polyurethane Foam Worker Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants Through Measures in Air, Hand Wipes, and Urine, CF Estill, J. Slone, Alexander Charles Mayer, Kaitlyn Phillips, John Lu, and I-Chen Chen


Asynchronous nitrogen supply and demand produce nonlinear plant allocation responses to warming and elevated CO2, Genevieve L. Noyce, Matthew L. Kirwan, Roy L. Rich, and J. Patrick Megonigal


A Systematic Review of How Multiple Stressors From an Extreme Event Drove Ecosystem-Wide Loss of Resilience in an Iconic Seagrass Community, GA Kendrick, RJ Nowicki, et al, and RJ Orth


Bacterial and Archaeal Specific-Predation in the North Atlantic Basin, LM Seyler, S Tuorto, LR McGuinness, DL Gong, and LJ Kerkof


Bridging disciplines to advance elasmobranch conservation: applications of physiological ecology, K Lyons, JS Bigman, et al, Kevin C. Weng, et al, Richard Brill, and CN Bedore


Change detection in a Marine Protected Area (MPA) over three decades on Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean, N. J. Relles, M. R. Patterson, and D. O.B. Jones


Characterization of microsporidian Ameson herrnkindi sp. nov. infecting Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus, Hamish J. Small, GD Stentiford, DC Behringer, MA Freeman, NAM Atherley, Kimberly S. Reece, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Citizen-Science for the Future: Advisory Case Studies From Around the Globe, C Simoniello, J Jencks, FM Lauro, Jon Derek Loftis, K Deja, David R. Forrest, and et at


Climate change enhances disease processes in crustaceans: case studies in lobsters, crabs, and shrimps, Jeffrey D. Shields


Collaborative Science to Enhance Coastal Resilience and Adaptation, C. Reid Nichols, Lynn Wright, Arthur Cosby, Alain Henaff, Jon Derek Loftis, and et al


Combined Effects of Acute Temperature Change and Elevated pCO2 on the Metabolic Rates and Hypoxia Tolerances of Clearnose Skate (Rostaraja eglanteria), Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), and Thorny Skate (Amblyraja radiata), Gail D. Schwieterman, Daniel P. Crear, Brooke N. Anderson, Danielle R. Lavoie, James A. Sulikowski, Peter G. Bushnell, and Richard Brill


Comparisons of mean length-based mortality estimators and age-structured models for six southeastern US stocks, Quang C. Huynh, Nancie J. Cummings, and John M. Hoenig


Defining boat wake impacts on shoreline stability toward management and policy solutions, Donna M. Bilkovic, Molly Mitchell, Jennifer Davis, Julie Herman, Elizabeth Andrews, Angela King, Pamela Mason, Navid Tahvildari, Jana Davis, and Rachel L. Dixon


Ecosystem services of restored oyster reefs in a Chesapeake Bay tributary: abundance and foraging of estuarine fishes, Bruce Pfirrmann and Rochelle D. Seitz


Effects of dietary taurine level on visual function in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), Richard Brill, Andrij Z. Horodysky, Allen R. Place, Mary E. Larkin, and Renate Reimschuessel


Embracing dynamic design for climate-resilient living shorelines, Molly Mitchell and Donna M. Bilkovic


Enhanced Nitrous Oxide Production in Denitrifying Dechloromonas aromatica Strain RCB Under Salt or Alkaline Stress Conditions, H Han, BK Song, MJ Song, and S Yoon


Environmental controls on pteropod biogeography along the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Patrica S. Thibodeau, Deborah K. Steinberg, SE Stammerjohn, and C Hauri


Estimating age composition for multiple years when there are gaps in the ageing data: the case of western Atlantic bluefin tuna, Lisa E. Ailloud, Matthew V. Lauretta, John F. Walter III, and John M. Hoenig


Estuarine Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux From Space: With Application to Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, SR Signorini, A Mannino, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Pierre St-Laurent, et al, F Da, and et al


Evaluating Confidence in the Impact of Regulatory Nutrient Reduction on Chesapeake Bay Water Quality, Isaac D. Irby and Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs


Evaluating Summer Flounder Spatial Sex-Segregation in a Southern New England Estuary, Joseph A. Langan, M. Conor McManus, Adena J. Schonfeld, Corinne L. Truesdale, and Jeremy S. Collie


Evaluation of the stock structure of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) in the southeastern United States by using dart-tag and genetics data, M Perkinson, T Darden, M Jamison, MJ Walker, MR Denson, J Franks, R Hendon, Susanna Musick, and ES Orbesen


Examining derelict pot impacts on harvest in a commercial blue crab Callinectes sapidus fishery, James A. DelBene, Donna M. Bilkovic, and Andrew M. Scheld


Field Experiments and Meta-analysis Reveal Wetland Vegetation as a Crucial Element in the Coastal Protection Paradigm, Brian R. Silliman, Qiang He, Christine Angelini, Carter S. Smith, Matthew L. Kirwan, and et al


Genome-wide SNPs resolve spatiotemporal patterns of connectivity within striped marlin (Kajikia audax), a broadly distributed and highly migratory pelagic species, Nadya Mamoozadeh, John Graves, and Jan McDowell


Global change effects on plant communities are magnified by time and the number of global change factors imposed, KJ Komatsu, ML Avolio, et al, David S. Johnson, and et al


Herbivory regulates the establishment of a native species of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in a tidal estuary of the USA, A. J. Johnson, R. J. Orth, and Ken Moore


High-frequency CO2-system variability over the winter-to-spring transition in a large coastal plain estuary, Elizabeth H. Shadwick, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Raymond G. Najjar, Olivia A. De Meo, Jaclyn R. Friedman, Fei Da, and W. G. Reay


High salinity tolerance of invasive blue catfish suggests potential for further range expansion in the Chesapeake Bay region, Vaskar Nepal and Mary C. Fabrizio


It’s about time: A synthesis of changing phenology in the Gulf of Maine ecosystem, MD Staudinger, KE Mills, et al, David S. Johnson, and et al


Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution contracts southward during rapid regional warming, A. Atkinson, S. L. Hill, (...), Deborah K. Steinberg, and et al


Limited available evidence supports theoretical predictions of reduced vaccine efficacy at higher exposure dose, Kate E. Langwig, M. Gabriela M Gomes, Mercedes D Clark, Molly Kwitny, Steffany Yamada, Andrew R. Wargo, and Marc Lipsitch


Long-term Annual Aerial Surveys of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Support Science, Management, and Restoration, Robert J. Orth, William C. Dennison, Cassie Gurbisz, Michael Hannam, Jeni Keisman, J. Brooke Landry, Jonathan S. Lefcheck, Kenneth A. Moore, Rebecca R. Murphy, Christopher J. Patrick, Jeremy Testa, Donald E. Weller, David J. Wilcox, and Richard A. Batiuk


Mechanisms Involving Sensory Pathway Steps Inform Impacts of Global Climate Change on Ecological Processes, Emily B. Rivest, Brittany Jellison, Gabriel Ng, and et al


Method for serial passage of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in rainbow trout, Juliette Doumayrou, M. Gray Ryan, and Andrew R. Wargo


Minimal effects of oyster aquaculture on local water quality: Examples from southern Chesapeake Bay, Jessica Turner, M. Lisa Kellogg, Grace M. Massey, and Carl Friedrichs


Modeling Iron and Light Controls on the Summer Phaeocystis antarctica Bloom in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, H Oliver, Pierre St-Laurent, RM Sherrell, and PL Yager


Modeling Quantitative Value of Habitats for Marine and Estuarine Populations, Rom N. Lipcius, David B. Eggleston, F.J. Fodrie, and et al


Modeling the Seasonal Cycle of Iron and Carbon Fluxes in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica, P. St-Laurent, PL Yager, RM Sherrell, H. Oliver, MS Dinniman, and SE Stammerjohn


Monitoring demographics of a commercially exploited population of shovelnose sturgeon in the Wabash River, Illinois/Indiana, USA, Jessica L. Thornton, Vaskar Nepal, Leslie D. Frankland, Craig R. Jansen, Jana Hirst, and Robert E. Colombo