Submissions from 2019
Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean's Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish - The VOICE Initiative, V Garcon, J Karstensen, A Palacz, et al, and Kevin C. Weng
Multiple drivers of interannual oyster settlement and recruitment in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Brendan Turley, Kimberly S. Reece, Jian Shen, Jeong-Ho Lee, Ximing Guo, and Jan McDowell
Nursery Habitat Quality Assessed by the Condition of Juvenile Fishes: Not All Estuarine Areas Are Equal, Ryan W. Schloesser and Mary C. Fabrizio
Ocean change within shoreline communities: from biomechanics to behaviour and beyond, Brian Gaylord, Kristina M. Barclay, Brittany M. Jellison, Laura L. Jurgens, Aaron T. Ninokawa, Emily B. Rivest, and Lindsey R. Leighton
Ocean Circulation Causes Strong Variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Nitrogen Budget, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Pierre St-Laurent, Yongjin Xiao, and et al
Organophosphate and novel brominated flame retardants exposure in childbearing women via house dust, Z. Percy, Mark J. La Guardia, Y. Xu, Robert Hale, and B. Lanphear
Parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi prevalence in larval and juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus from coastal bays of Virginia, HJ Small, JP Huchin-Mian, KS Reece, KM Pagenkopp Lohan, MJ Butler IV, and JD Shields
Pattern and scale: evaluating generalities in crab distributions and marsh dynamics from small plots to a national scale, K Wasson, K Raposa, et al, David S. Johnson, Scott Lerberg, and et al
Plasticity in Standard and Maximum Aerobic Metabolic Rates in Two Populations of an Estuarine Dependent Teleost, Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), Jingwei Song, Richard Brill, and Jan McDowell
Prey Lysate Enhances Growth and Toxin Production in an Isolate of Dinophysis acuminata, Han Gao, Mengmeng Tong, Xinlong An, and Juliette L. Smith
Projections of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Patrick C. Campbell, Jesse O. Bash, Christopher G. Nolte, Tanya L. Spero, Ellen J. Cooter, Kyle Hinson, and Lewis C. Linker
Quantifying habitat selection and variability in habitat suitability for juvenile white sharks, CF White, K Lyons, SJ Jorgensen, J O'Sullivan, C Winkler, Kevin C. Weng, and CG Lowe
Reconstructing Coastal Sediment Budgets From Beach‐ and Foredune‐Ridge Morphology: A Coupled Field and Modeling Approach, DJ Ciarletta, JL Shawler, C Tenebruso, Christopher J. Hein, and J Lorenzo‐Trueba
Scientific considerations for acidification monitoring in the US Mid-Atlantic Region, KA Goldsmith, S Lau, et al, EH Shadwick, and et al
Sea Ice Meltwater and Circumpolar Deep Water Drive Contrasting Productivity in Three Antarctic Polynyas, S Moreau, D Lannuzel, J Janssens, MC Arroyo, and et al
Sea-level driven land conversion and the formation of ghost forests, Matthew L. Kirwan and Keryn B. Gedan
Seasonal and Spatial Variation in the Location and Reactivity of a Nitrate‐Contaminated Groundwater Discharge Zone in a Lakebed, RL Smith, DA Repert, DL Stoliker, DB Kent, BK Song, and et al
Selectivity Of Two Commercial Dredges Fished In The Northwest Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery, Sally Roman and David Rudders
Shoreline Dynamics Along a Developed River Mouth Barrier Island: Multi-Decadal Cycles of Erosion and Event-Driven Mitigation, Christopher J. Hein, Andrrew R. Fallon, Peter Rosen, and et al
Summer Carbonate Chemistry in the Dalton Polynya, East Antarctica, MC Arroyo, EH Shadwick, and B Tilbrook
Temporal, spatial, and biological variation of nematode epidemiology in American eels, ZT Warshafsky, Troy D. Tuckey, WK Vogelbein, RJ Latour, and AR Wargo
The application of oyster reefs in shoreline protection: Are we over-engineering for an ecosystem engineer?, R. L. Morris, Donna M. Bilkovic, M. K. Boswell, and et al
The effect of a small vegetation dieback event on salt marsh sediment transport, Daniel J. Coleman and Matthew L. Kirwan
The fiddler crab, Minuca pugnax, follows Bergmann's rule, David S. Johnson, Cynthia Crowley, Katherine Longmire, Bethany Williams, and Serina Wittyngham
The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0) for improved remote sensing analysis of coastal flooding, S Cohen, A Raney, D Munasinghe, Jon Derek Loftis, and et al
The future of coastal and estuarine modeling: Findings from a workshop, Oliver B. Fringer, Clint N. Dawson, Ruoying He, David K. Ralston, and Yinglong J. Zhang
The impacts of warming and hypoxia on the performance of an obligate ram ventilator, Daniel P. Crear, Richard Brill, Peter G. Bushnell, Robert J. Latour, Gail D. Schwieterman, Rachel M. Steffen, and Kevin C. Weng
The importance of Antarctic krill in biogeochemical cycles, EL Cavan, A Belcher, SL Hill, S Kawaguchi, S McCormack, B Meyer, S Nicol, K Schmidt, Deborah K. Steinberg, GA Tarling, and PW Boyd
The Invisible Flood: The Chemistry, Ecology, and Social Implications of Coastal Saltwater Intrusion, Kate Tully, Keryn Gedan, (...), Molly Mitchell, and et al
The mechanisms of phenology: the patterns and processes of phenological shifts, Helen E. Chmura, Heather M Kharouba, Jaime Ashander, Sean M. Ehlman, Emily B. Rivest, and Louie H. Yang
Tidal erosion and upstream sediment trapping modulate records of land-use change in a formerly glaciated New England estuary, Justin L. Shawler, Christopher J. Hein, Elizabeth A. Canuel, and et al
Tidal variation in cohesive sediment distribution and sensitivity to flocculation and bed consolidation in an idealized, partially mixed estuary, Danielle R.N. Tarpley, Courtney K. Harris, Carl Friedrichs, and Christopher T. Sherwood
Tooth development and replacement in the Atlantic Cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, with comparisons to other Scombroidei, Katherine E. Bemis, Samantha M. Burke, Carl A. St John, Eric J. Hilton, and William E. Bemis
Toward a Coordinated Global Observing System for Seagrasses and Marine Macroalgae, J. Emmett Duffy, L. Benedetti-Cecchi, et al, Robert J. Orth, and et al
Tracking Triploid Mortalities Of Eastern Oysters Crassostrea virginica In The Virginia Portion Of The Chesapeake Bay, Eric Guevelou, Ryan Carnegie, JA Moss, Karen Hudson, Kimberly S. Reece, Molly M. Rybovich, and Standish K. Allen Jr.
Treading Water: Tools to Help US Coastal Communities Plan for Sea Level Rise Impacts, E A. Smith, W Sweet, Molly Mitchell, R Domingues, C P. Weaver, M Baringer, G Goni, J Haines, Jon Derek Loftis, John D. Boon, and David L. Malmquist
Validating an Operational Flood Forecast Model Using Citizen Science in Hampton Roads, VA, USA, Jon Derek Loftis, Molly Mitchell, Daniel Schatt, David R. Forrest, Harry V. Wang, David Mayfield, and William A. Stiles
Variability and change in the west Antarctic Peninsula marine system: Research priorities and opportunities, Sian F. Henley, Oscar M. Schofield, Katherine R. Hendry, Irene R. Schloss, Deborah K. Steinberg, and et al
Variations in the abundance and distribution of aggregates in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Vernon L. Asper and Walker O. Smith Jr.
Vertical Stratification of Sediment Microbial Communities Along Geochemical Gradients of a Subterranean Estuary Located at the Gloucester Beach of Virginia, United States, Yiguo Hong, Jiapeng Wu, Stephanie Wilson, and BK Song
Submissions from 2018
A 3D unstructured-grid model for Chesapeake Bay: importance of bathymetry, Fei Ye, Yinglong J. Zhang, Harry V. Wang, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Isaac D. Irby, Eli Alteljevich, Arnaldo Valle-Levinson, Zhengui Wang, Hai Huang, Jian Shen, and Jiabi Du
Abundance trends of highly migratory species in the Atlantic Ocean: accounting for water temperature profiles, Patrick D. Lynch, Kyle W. Shertzer, Enric Cortes, and Robert J. Latour
Accuracy and Precision of Tidal Wetland Soil Carbon Mapping in the Conterminous United States, JR Holmquist, L Windham-Myers, N Bliss, S Crooks, JT Morris, W. G. Reay, and Et al.
Activity seascapes highlight central place foraging strategies in marine predators that never stop swimming, Yannis P. Papastamatiou, Yuuki Y. Watanabe, Urska Demšar, Vianey Leos-Barajas, Darcy Bradley, Roland Langrock, Kevin C. Weng, Christopher Lowe, Alan M. Friedlander, and Jennifer E. Caselle
Adaptations by Zostera marina Dominated Seagrass Meadows in Response to Water Quality and Climate Forcing, Erin C. Shields, Ken Moore, and David B. Parrish
A Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling Approach for the Habitat Distribution of Smooth Dogfish by Sex and Season in Inshore Coastal Waters of the US Northwest Atlantic, Andrea Dell'Apa, Maria Grazia Pennino, Charles W Bangley, and Christopher F. Bonzek
Allometry of individual reproduction and defense in eusocial colonies: A comparative approach to trade-offs in social sponge- dwelling Synalpheus shrimps, Sarah L. Bornbusch, Jonathan S. Lefcheck, and J. Emmett Duffy
An Analysis of Fishing Selectivity for Northeast US Multispecies Bottom Trawlers, Andrew M. Scheld and John Walden
An Overview Of Factors Affecting Distribution Of The Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima), A Continental Shelf Biomass Dominant, During A Period Of Climate Change, EE Hofmann, EN Powell, JM Klinck, DM Munroe, Roger L. Mann, and et al
Antibiotic Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Denitrification and N2O Production in Grassland Soils, M Semedo, BK Song, T Sparrer, and RL Phillips
A review of the systematic biology of fossil and living bony-tongue fishes, Osteoglossomorpha (Actinopterygii: Teleostei), Eric J. Hilton and Sebastien Lavoue
Assessment of the Relationship of Stock and Recruitment in the Atlantic Surfclam Spisula solidissima in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Jeremy R. Timbs, Eric N. Powell, and Roger L. Mann
Assimilating bio-optical glider data during a phytoplankton bloom in the southern Ross Sea, DE Kaufman, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, JCP Hemmings, and Walker O. Smith Jr.
BATAL The Balloon Measurement Campaigns of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer, JP Vernier, TD Fairlie, T Deshler, MV Ratnam, H Gadhavi, and Et al.
Biological reference points for Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) in warming seas, DR Hennen, Roger Mann, DM Munroe, and EN Powell
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene, M Dornelas, LH Antao, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, Et al., and Jonathan S. Lefcheck
Canopy Functions of R. maritima and Z. marina in the Chesapeake Bay, Emily French and Ken Moore
Carbon Budget of Tidal Wetlands, Estuaries, and Shelf Waters of Eastern North America, RG Najjar, M Herrmann, R Alexander, EW Boyer, DJ Burdige, D Butman, W-J Cai, Elizabeth A. Canuel, RF Chen, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and et al
Characterizing the Preferences and Values of US Recreational Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Anglers, William Morris Goldsmith, Andrew M. Scheld, and John Graves
Cohesive and mixed sediment in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS v3.6) implemented in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System (COAWST r1234), CR Sherwood, AL Aretxabaleta, Courtney K. Harris, JP Rinehimer, R Verney, and B Ferre
Comparative Performance of Three Length-Based Mortality Estimators, Quang C. Huynh, Jennifer Beckensteiner, Liese M. Carleton, Benjamin J. Marcek, Vaskar Nepal KC, Cassidy D. Peterson, Megan A. Wood, and John M. Hoenig
Comparison of methods for determining biogeochemical fluxes from a restored oyster reef, Melanie Jackson, Michael S. Owens, Jeffrey C. Cornwell, and M. Lisa Kellogg
Consequences of drift and carcass decomposition for estimating sea turtle mortality hotspots, Bianca Santos, David M. Kaplan, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Susan G. Barco, Katherine L. Mansfield, and James P. Manning
Cross-Scale Baroclinic Simulation of the Effect of Channel Dredging in an Estuarine Setting, Fei Ye, Harry V. Wang, H Huang, ZG Wang, Z Liu, and X Li
Debating the effectiveness of marine protected areas, Linwood H. Pendleton, Gabby N. Ahmadia, Howard I. Browman, Ruth Thurstan, David M. Kaplan, and Valerio Bartolino
Depth- and range-dependent variation in the performance of aquatic telemetry systems: Understanding and predicting the susceptibility of acoustic tag-receiver pairs to close proximity detection interference, S R. Scherrer, B P. Rideout, G. Giorli, E M. Nosal, and Kevin C. Weng
Dermal mycobacteriosis and warming sea surface temperatures are associated with elevated mortality of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay, Maya L. Groner, John M. Hoenig, Roger Pradel, Remi Choquet, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, David T. Gauthier, and Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs
Development of rapid diagnostic techniques for idiopathic blindness in the American lobster, Homarus americanus, from eastern Long Island Sound, Addison T. Ochs, Jeffrey D. Shields, Mitch S. Hatzipetro, Barbara Somers, and Kathleen M. Castro
Discerning autotrophy, mixotrophy and heterotrophyin marine TACK archaea from the North Atlantic, L M. Seyler, L. R. McGuinness, J. A. Gilbert, J. F. Biddle, Donglai Gong, and L. J. Kerkhof
Discontinuities in soil strength contribute to destabilization of nutrient-enriched creeks, Cathleen Wigand; Elizabeth B. Watson; Rose Martin; David S. Johnson; R. Scott Warren; Alana Hanson; Earl Davey,; Roxanne Johnson; and Linda Deegan,
Early-Holocene greening of the Afro-Asian dust belt changed sources of mineral dust in West Asia, A Sharifi, LN Murphy, A Pourmand, AC Clement, and Elizabeth A. Canuel
Effects-based spatial assessment of contaminated estuarine sediments from Bear Creek, Baltimore Harbor, MD, USA, SE Hartzell, Michael A. Unger, BL McGee, and LT Yonkos
Effects of Density‐Driven Flows on the Long‐Term Morphodynamic Evolution of Funnel‐Shaped Estuaries, Matiane Olabarrieta, W. Rockwell Geyer, Giovanni Coco, and Carl T. Friedrichs
Effects Of Estuarine Acidification On An Oyster-Associated Community In New South Wales, Australia, Cassandra N. Glaspie, SR Jenkinson, and Rochelle D. Seitz
Effects of Marsh Edge Erosion in Coupled Barrier Island-Marsh Systems and Geometric Constraints on Marsh Evolution, Rebecca Lauzon; A Brad Murray; Laura J Moore; David C. Walters; Matthew L. Kirwan; and Sergio Fagherazzi,
Effects of Projected Changes in Wind, Atmospheric Temperature, and Freshwater Inflow on the Ross Sea, MS Dinniman, JM Klinck, EE Hofmann, and Walker O. Smith Jr.
Estimating fishing and natural mortality rates, and catchability coefficient, from a series of observations on mean length and fishing effort, AY Then, JM Hoenig, and QC Huynh
Estimating Hypoxic Volume in the Chesapeake Bay Using Two Continuously Sampled Oxygen Profiles, Aaron J. Bever, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Carl T. Friedrichs, and Malcolm E. Scully
Firefighter hood contamination: Efficiency of laundering to remove PAHs and FRs, AC Mayer, KW Fent, S Bertke, GP Horn, DL Smith, K Kerber, and Mark J. La Guardia
Fish assemblage change following the structural restoration of a degraded stream, Carl A. Favata, Anabela Maia, Manisha Pant, and Vaskar Nepal
Future Research Directions on the "Elusive" White Shark, C Huveneers, K Apps, et al, and Kevin C. Weng
Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea-level rise, M. Schuerch, T. Spencer, S. Temmerman, Matthew L. Kirwan, and et al
Gear and survey efficiency of patent tongs for oyster populations on restoration reefs, David M. Schulte, Rom Lipcius, and RP Burke
Genetic evaluation of population structure in white marlin (Kajikia albida): the importance of statistical power, Nadya Mamoozadeh, Jan McDowell, Jay R. Rooker, and John E. Graves
Habitat complexity and benthic predator-prey interactions in Chesapeake Bay, CN Glaspie and Rochelle D. Seitz
Host and Symbionts in Pocillopora damicornis Larvae Display Different Transcriptomic Responses to Ocean Acidification and Warming, Emily B. Rivest, Morgan B. Kelly, Melissa B. DeBiasse, and Gretchen E. Hofmann
How the Devil Ray Got Its Horns: The Evolution and Development of Cephalic Lobes in Myliobatid Stingrays (Batoidea: Myliobatidae), JD Swenson, J Klomp, Robert A. Fisher, and KD Crow
Human Influence at the Coast: Upland and Shoreline Stressors Affect Coastal Macrofauna and Are Mediated by Salinity, Rochelle D. Seitz, Kathleen E. Knick, Theresa M. Davenport, and Gabrielle G. Saluta
Impact of Seabed Resuspension on Oxygen and Nitrogen Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Numerical Modeling Study, Julia M. Moriarty, Courtney K. Harris, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Katja Fennel, and Kehui Xu
Impacts of a multi-trap line on benthic habitat containing emergent epifauna within the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Cara C. Schweitzer, Rom Lipcius, and Bradley G. Stevens
Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Coastal Nitrogen Fluxes on Oxygen Concentrations in Chesapeake Bay, Fei Da, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Pierre St-Laurent
Impacts of Coastal Land Use and Shoreline Armoring on Estuarine Ecosystems: an Introduction to a Special Issue, Diann J. Prosser, Thomas E Jordan, Jessica L. Nagel, Rochelle D. Seitz, Donald E. Weller, and Dennis F. Whigham
Increasing prevalence of epizootic shell disease in American lobster from the nearshore Gulf of Maine, Kathleen M. Reardon, Carl J. Wilson, Patrick M. Gillevet, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Jeffrey D. Shields
Institutionalizing resilience in U.S. universities: Prospects, opportunities, and models, Morris Foster, James O’Donnell, Mark Luckenbach, Elizabeth Andrews, Emily Steinhilber, John Wells, and Mark Davis
Integrated ocean, earth, and atmospheric observations for resilience planning in Hampton roads, Virginia, Jon Derek Loftis, Molly Mitchell, Larry Atkinson, Ben Hamlington, Thomas R. Allen, David R. Forrest, and et al
Integrating Technology into Science Field Investigations, Sarah Nuss
Intensified environmental and density-dependent regulation of white perch recruitment after an ecosystem shift in the Hudson River Estuary, BK Gallagher and DH Secor
Intensive oyster aquaculture can reduce disease impacts on sympatric wild oysters, Tal Ben-Horin, Colleen Burge, David Bushek, Maya Groner, Dina Proestou, Lauren Huey, Gorka Bidegain, and Ryan Carnegie
Investigating The Life Cycle Of Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX), SE Ford, NA Stokes, KA Alcox, BSF Kraus, Rochelle Barber, Ryan Carnegie, and EM Burreson
Laboratory studies on the effect of temperature on epizootic shell disease in the American lobster, Homarus americanus, Britnee N. Barris, Jeffrey D. Shields, Hamish J. Small, Juan Pablo Huchin-Mian, Patricia O'leary, and et al