VIMS Articles | Virginia Institute of Marine Science | William & Mary


Submissions from 2021


Molecular underpinnings and biogeochemical consequences of enhanced diatom growth in a warming Southern Ocean, L.J. Jabre, A.E Allen, S.J.P. McCain, (...), Rachel E. Sipler, and et al


Molluscan aminostratigraphy of the US Mid-Atlantic Quaternary coastal system: Implications for onshore-offshore correlation, paleochannel and barrier island evolution, and local late Quaternary sea-level history, John F. Wehmiller, Laura L. Brothers, (...), Christopher J. Hein, and Justin L. Shawler


Morphological and Mitochondrial DNA Analyses of Oysters in the Northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh, Mohammed S. N. Chowdhury, Kimberly S. Reece, Sourav S. Joy, Loren D. Coen, and Aad C. Smaal


Multi-scale biodiversity drives temporal variability in macrosystems, Christopher J. Patrick, Kevin E. McCluney, Albert Ruhi, Andrew Gregory, John Sabo, and James H. Thorp


Nonlinearity of Subtidal Estuarine Circulation in the Pearl River Estuary, China, Hongzhou Xu, Jian Shen, Dongxiao Wang, Lin Luo, and Bo Hong


Onset of runaway fragmentation of salt marshes, Orencio Duran Vinent, Ellen R. Herbert, Daniel J. Coleman, Joshua D. Himmelstein, and Matthew L. Kirwan


On the human appropriation of wetland primary production, James E. Cloern, Samuel M. Safran, Lydia Smith Vaughn, (...), Elizabeth A. Canuel, and J.Letitia Grenier


Opportunities and Challenges for Including Oyster-Mediated Denitrification in Nitrogen Management Plans, Julie M. Rose, J. Stephen Gosnel, Suzanne Bricker, Mark J. Brush, Allison Colden, and et al


Particulate Organic Matter Distributions in the Water Column of the Chukchi Sea During Late Summer, Miguel A. Goni, Lauren W. Juranek, Rachel E. Sipler, and Kylie A. Welch


Penaeid Shrimp in Chesapeake Bay: Population Growth and Black Gill Disease Syndrome, Troy D. Tuckey, Jillian L. Swinford, Mary C. Fabrizio, Hamish J. Small, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Perspectives from the water: Utilizing fisher’s observations to inform SNE/ MA windowpane science and managemen, Richard J. Bell, M. Conor McManus, Jason McNamee, James Gartland, Ben Galuardi, and Chris McGuire


Polystyrene Microplastics Reduce Abundance Of Developing B Cells In Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Primary Cultures, Patty Zwollo, Fatima Quddos, Carey Bagdassarian, Meredith Evans Seeley, Robert Hale, and Lauren Abderhalden


Preferences for derelict gear mitigation strategies by commercial fishers, James A. DelBene, Andrew M. Scheld, and Donna Marie Bilkovic


Preparing Scientists, Policy-Makers, and Managers for a Fast-Forward Future, Richard B. Norgaard, John A. Wiens, (...), Elizabeth A. Canuel, and et al


Quantifying thresholds of barrier geomorphic change in a cross-shore sediment-partitioning model, Daniel J. Ciarletta, Jennifer L. Miselis, Justin L. Shawler, and Christopher J. Hein


Real-time environmental forecasts of the Chesapeake Bay: Model setup, improvements, and online visualization, Aaron Bever, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Pierre St-Laurent


Reproductive Characteristics Differ in Two Invasive Populations of Blue Catfish, Vaskar Nepal and Mary C. Fabrizio


Revisiting the Ocean Color Algorithms for Particulate Organic Carbon and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Ross Sea, Shuangling Chen, Walker O. Smith Jr., and Xiaolei Yu


Rhodomonas PE545 fluorescence is increased by glycerol, Chanoknard Karnjanapak, I-Shuo Huang, Preyanut Jaroensuk, and et al


Ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa population response to living shoreline design and ecosystem development, Donna M. Bilkovic, Robert Isdell, Amanda G. Guthrie, Molly Mitchell, and Randolph M. Chambers


Riverine Carbon Cycling Over the Past Century in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States, Yuanzi Yao, Hanqin Tian, Shufen Pan, Raymond G. Najjar, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and et al


Role of food web interactions in promoting resilience to nutrient enrichment in a brackish water eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystem, K. Gagnon, C. Gustafsson, (...), J. P. Richardson, P. L. Reynolds, J. E. Duffy, and C. Boström


Saved by the shell: Oyster reefs can shield juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus, Katherine S. Longmire, Rochelle D. Seitz, Alison Smith, and Romuald N. Lipcius


Seabed Resuspension in the Chesapeake Bay: Implications for Biogeochemical Cycling and Hypoxia, Julia M. Moriarty, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Courtney K. Harris


Seagrass Recovery Following Marine Heat Wave Influences Sediment Carbon Stocks, Lillian R. Aoki, Karen J. McGlathery, Patricia L. Wiberg, Matthew P. J. Oreska, Amelie C. Berger, Peter Berg, and Robert J. Orth


Sea-ice microbial communities in the Central Arctic Ocean: Limited responses to short-term pCO(2) perturbations, Anders Torstensson, Andrew R. Margolin, Gordon M. Showalter, Walker O. Smith Jr., Elizabeth H. Shadwick, and et al


Sea Ice Suppression of CO2 Outgassing in the West Antarctic Peninsula: Implications For The Evolving Southern Ocean Carbon Sink, E.H. Shadwick, O.A. De Meo, S. Schroeter, M.C. Arroyo, D.G. Martinson, and H. Ducklow


Sea Level-Driven Marsh Migration Results in Rapid Net Loss of Carbon, Alexander J. Smith and Matthew L. Kirwan


Seasonal resource pulses and the foraging depth of a Southern Ocean top predator, Roxanne S. Beltran, A. Marm Kilpatrick, Greg A. Breed, (...), Walker O. Smith Jr., and et al


Seasonal Variations and Driving Factors of the Eastern Maine Coastal Current, Denghui Li, Zhengui Wang, Huijie Xue, and et al


Spatiotemporal distribution of phycotoxins and their co-occurrence within nearshore waters, Michelle D. Onofrio, Todd A. Egerton, Kimberly S. Reece, Sarah K.D. Pease, Marta P. Sanderson, William Jones III, Evan Yeargan, Amanda Roach, Caroline DeMent, William G. Reay, Allen R. Place, and Juliette L. Smith


Sperm repository for a breeding program of the eastern oyster crassostrea virginica: Sample collection, processing, cryopreservation, and data management plan, H. Yang, Y. Huo, J. C. Yee, S. Rickard, W. C. Walton, and E. Saillant


Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton and mixotrophs in a temperate estuary, Nicole C. Millette, Marcella da Costa, Jordan W. Mora, and Rebecca J. Gast


The application of metacommunity theory to the management of riverine ecosystems, Christopher J. Patrick, Kurt E. Anderson, Brown L. Brown, and et al


The effect of coastal landform development on decadal-to millennial-scale longshore sediment fluxes: Evidence from the Holocene evolution of the central mid-Atlantic coast, USA, Justin L. Shawler, Christopher J. Hein, Chloe A. Obara, Mahina G. Robbins, Sebastien Huot, and Michael S. Fenster


The Effects of Scallop Dredge Fishing Practices on Physical, Behavioral, and Physiological Stress in Discarded Yellowtail Flounder, Windowpane, and Fourspot Flounder, Brooke N. Anderson, Amelia Weissman, John Mandelman, David B. Rudders, and James A. Sulikowski


The Expanding Role of Natural History Collections, Eric J. Hilton, Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell, and Sarah K. Huber


The Extent of Seasonally Suitable Habitats May Limit Forage Fish Production in a Temperate Estuary, Mary C. Fabrizio, Troy D. Tuckey, Aaron J. Bever, and Michael L. MacWilliams


The Geomorphic Impact of Mangrove Encroachment in an Australian Salt Marsh, Daniel J. Coleman, Kerrylee Rogers, D. Reide Corbett, Christopher J. Owers, and Matthew L. Kirwan


The importance of long-term data collection to understand the historical and evolutionary ecology of marine diseases: the eastern oyster disease system in the USA, as a case study, Ryan Carnegie


The Importance of Organic Content to Fractal Floc Properties in Estuarine Surface Waters: Insights From Video, LISST, and Pump Sampling, Kelsey A. Fall, Carl T. Friedrichs, Grace M. Massey, David G. Bowers, and S. Jarrell Smith


The Path to an Ecosystem Approach for Forage Fish Management: A Case Study of Atlantic Menhaden, Kristen A. Anstead, Katie Drew, David Chagaris, (...), Robert J. Latour, and et al


Toward a better understanding of fish‐based contribution to ocean carbon flux, Grace K. Saba, Adrian B. Burd, John P. Dunne, (...), Deborah K. Steinberg, and et al


Variation in Seagrass-Associated Macroinvertebrate Communities Along the Gulf Coast of Peninsular Florida: An Exploration of Patterns and Ecological Consequences, Savanna C. Barry, A. Challen Hyman, Charles A. Jacoby, Laura K. Reynolds, Mark Kowalewski, and Thomas K. Frazer


Vegetation Type and Decomposition Priming Mediate Brackish Marsh Carbon Accumulation Under Interacting Facets of Global Change, Anthony J. Rietl, J. Patrick Megonigal, Ellen R. Herbert, and Matthew L. Kirwan


Virus shedding kinetics and unconventional virulence tradeoffs, Andrew R. Wargo, Gael Kurath, Robert J. Scott, and Benjamin Kerr


WAP-1D-VAR v1.0: development and evaluation of a one-dimensional variational data assimilation model for the marine ecosystem along the West Antarctic Peninsula, Hyewon Heather Kim, Ya-Wei Luo, Hugh W. Ducklow, Oscar M. Schofield, Deborah K. Steinberg, and Scott C. Doney

Submissions from 2020


A Continental Shelf Pump for CO2 on the Adélie Land Coast, East Antarctica, Mar C. Arroyo, Elizabeth H. Shadwick, Stephen R. Rintoul, and Kazuya Kusahara


Acute and long-term manganese exposure and subsequent accumulation in relation to idiopathic blindness in the American lobster, Homarus americanus, Addison T. Ochs, Jeffrey D. Shields, Gary W. Rice, and Michael A. Unger


A database of ocean primary productivity from the 14C method, J. F. Marra, R. T. Barber, (...), Walker O. Smith Jr., and L. Zoffli


A Global Perspective on Microplastics, Robert Hale, Meredith E. Seeley, Mark J. La Guardia, Lei Mai, and Eddy Y. Zeng


Alternative Substrates Used For Oyster Reef Restoration: A Review, Taylor Goelz, Bruce Vogt, and Troy W. Hartley


A Machine‐Learning‐Based Model for Water Quality in Coastal Waters, Taking Dissolved Oxygen and Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay as an Example, Xin Yu, Jian Shen, and Jiabi Du


A Modeling Study on the Influence of Sea-Level Rise and Channel Deepening on Estuarine Circulation and Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Tidal James River, Virginia, USA, Ya Wang and Jian Shen


A Multi-scale Approach for Simulating Tidal Marsh Evolution, Karinna Nunez, Yinglong J. Zhang, Julie Herman, W. G. Reay, and Carl Hershner


Annual and Seasonal Surface Circulation Over the Mid-Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf Derived From a Decade of High Frequency Radar Observations, Hugh Roarty, Scott Glenn, et al, Haixing Wang, and Donglai Gong


Are predator−prey model predictions supported by empirical data? Evidence for a storm-driven shift toan alternative stable state in a crab−clam system, Cassandra N. Glaspie, Rochelle D. Seitz, and Romuald N. Lipcius


A Screening Tool for the Direct Analysis of Marine and Freshwater Phycotoxins in Organic SPATT Extracts from the Chesapeake Bay, Michelle D. Onofiro, Claude R. Mallette, Allen R. Place, and Juliette L. Smith


Barriers to Eastern Oyster Aquaculture Expansion in Virginia, Jennifer Beckensteiner, David M. Kaplan, and Andrew M. Scheld


Bony-Tongue Fishes (Teleostei: Osteoglossomorpha) from the Eocene Nanjemoy Formation, Virginia, Eric J. Hilton and Jeffrey Carpenter


Bycatch in a Commercial Lobster Fishery: Effects on Two Benthic Predators, Sea Raven and Longhorn Sculpin, Brooke N. Anderson, Amelia M. Weissman, Brett Sweezey, John Mandelman, David Rudders, and James A. Sulikowski


Challenges for Restoration of Coastal Marine Ecosystems in the Anthropocene, Avigdor Abelson, Daniel Reed, Graham J. Edgar, Carter S. Smith, Gary A. Kendrick, R J. Orth, and et al


Challenges in Quantifying Air‐Water Carbon Dioxide Flux Using Estuarine Water Quality Data: Case Study for Chesapeake Bay, Marie Herrmann, Raymond G. Najjar, Fei Da, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Sreece Goldberger, Alana Menendez, Elizabeth Shadwick, and Pierre St-Laurent


Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities, M. A. Whalen, R.D. B. Whippo, J. J. Stachowicz, (...), Paige G. Ross, and et al


Climate-induced variability in South Atlantic wave direction over the past three millennia, A. P. Silva, A. H. F. Klein, A. F. H. Fetter-Filho, Christopher J. Hein, and et al


Cloud shadows drive vertical migrations of deep-dwelling marine life, Melissa M. Omand, Deborah K. Steinberg, and Karen Stamieszkin


Coastal Marsh Degradation Into Ponds Induces Irreversible Elevation Loss Relative to Sea Level in a Microtidal System, Lennert Schepers, Patrick Brennand, Matthew L. Kirwan, Glenn Guntenspergen, and Stijn Temmerman


Comparative transcriptomics of spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) populations to cold and heat stress, Jingwei Song and Jan McDowell


Comparing statistical analyses to estimate thresholds in ecotoxicology, Marcos Krull


Comparison of Electropolishing of Aluminum in a Deep Eutectic Medium and Acidic Electrolyte, Tarek M. Abdel-Fattah and Jon Derek Loftis


Constraining an Ocean Model Under Getz Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Using A Gravity‐Derived Bathymetry, Romain Millan, Pierre St-Laurent, Eric Rignot, and et al


Contemporary and future distributions of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, DP Crear, BE Watkins, VS Saba, JE Graves, DR Jensen, AJ Hobday, and Kevin C. Weng


Contrasting hydrodynamic responses to atmospheric systems with different scales: Impact of cold fronts vs. that of a hurricane, Wei Huang and C. Li


Current and Future Remote Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Chesapeake Bay to Support the Shellfish Industry, JL Wolny, MC Tomlinson, S Schollaert Uz, TA Egerton, JR Mckay, A Meredith, KS Reece, GP Scott, and RP Stumpf


Data-Driven, Multi-Model Workflow Suggests Strong Influence from Hurricanes on the Generation of Turbidity Currents in the Gulf of Mexico, Courtney K. Harris, Jaia Syvitski, H. G. Arango, and et al


Density-Dependence Mediates the Effects of Temperature on Growth of Juvenile Blue Catfish in Nonnative Habitats, Vaskar Nepal and Mary C. Fabrizio


Dihydrodinophysistoxin-1 Produced by Dinophysis norvegica in the Gulf of Maine, USA and Its Accumulation in Shellfish, Jonathan R. Deeds, Whitney L. Stutts, Mary Dawn Celiz, Jill MacLeod, Amy E. Hamilton, Bryant J. Lewis, David W. Miller, Kohl Kanwit, Juliette L. Smith, and et al


Disease Diagnostics and Potential Coinfections by Vibrio coralliilyticus During an Ongoing Coral Disease Outbreak in Florida, Blake Ushijima, Julie L. Meyer, Sharon Thompson, Kelly Pitts, Michael F. Marusich, Jessica Tittl, Elizabeth Weatherup, and et al


Drivers and trends in catch of benthic resources in Chilean TURFs and surrounding open access areas, Jennifer Beckensteiner, Andrew M. Scheld, Miriam Fernandez, and David M. Kaplan


Ecological Associations of Littoraria irrorata with Spartina cynosuroides and Spartina alterniflora, Caroline Mackenzie Failon, Serina Sebilian Wittyngham, and David S. Johnson


Effects of seawater exchange on water chemistry among coastal lakes with intermittent connections to the sea, A. Challen Hyman and Dana Bigham Stephens


Estimating Shifts in Phenology and Habitat Use of Cobia in Chesapeake Bay Under Climate Change, Daniel P. Crear, Brian E. Watkins, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Pierre St-Laurent, and Kevin C. Weng


Estuarine Forecasts at Daily Weather to Subseasonal Time Scales, Andrew C. Ross, Charles A. Stock, Keith W. Dixon, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and et al


Evaluating movements of opakapaka (Pristipomoides filamentosus) relative to a restricted fishing area by using acoustic telemetry and a depth-constrained estimator of linear home ranges, Stephen R. Scherrer and Kevin C. Weng


Evolution of Tidal Marsh Distribution under Accelerating Sea Level Rise, Molly Mitchell, Julie Herman, and Carl Hershner


Extraordinary human energy consumption and resultant geological impacts beginning around 1950CE initiated the proposed Anthropocene Epoch, Jaia Syvitsk, Colin N. Waters, John Day, John D. Milliman, and et al


First comparison of French and Australian OsHV-1 µvars by bath exposure, CA Burge, Kimberly S. Reece, AK Dhar, P Kirkland, B Morga, L Dégremont, N Faury, B Whipple, A MacIntyre, and C Friedman


Fish biodiversity patterns of a mesophotic-to-subphotic artificial reef complex and comparisons with natural substrates, ST Jones, JM Asher, RC Boland, BK Kanenaka, and Kevin C. Weng


Flame retardants, dioxins, and furans in air and on firefighters’ protective ensembles during controlled residential firefighting, Kenneth W. Fent, Mark J. La Guardia, Drew Luellen, and et al


How Old Are Marshes on the East Coast, USA? Complex Patterns in Wetland Age Within and Among Regions, Anna E. Braswell, James B. Heffernan, and Matthew L. Kirwan


Hurricane Sandy Effects on Coastal Marsh Elevation Change, Alice G. Yeates, James B. Grace, et al, Scott Lerberg, James C. Lynch, Nichole Maher, J.Patrick Megonigal, W. G. Reay, and et al


Identifying Important Juvenile Dusky Shark Habitat in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Using Acoustic Telemetry and Spatial Modeling, Charles W. Bangley, Tobey H. Curtis, David H. Secor, Robert J. Latour, and Matthew B. Ogburn


Impact of Vaccination and Pathogen Exposure Dosage on Shedding Kinetics of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) in Rainbow Trout, Darbi R. Jones, Barbara J. Rutan, and AR Wargo


Impacts of Muddy Bed Aggregates on Sediment Transport and Management in the tidal James River, VA, David W. Perkey, S. Jarrell Smith, Kelsey A. Fall, Grace M. Massey, Carl T. Friedrichs, and Emmalynn M. Hicks


Impacts of Seagrass Dynamics on the Coupled Long‐Term Evolution of Barrier‐Marsh‐Bay Systems, I.R.B. Reeves, L. J. Moore, E. B. Goldstein, A. B. Murray, and Matthew L. Kirwan


Impacts of Water Clarity Variability on Temperature and Biogeochemistry in the Chesapeake Bay, Grace E. Kim, Pierre St-Laurent, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, and Antionio Mannino


Improving Production of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica through Coordination of Genetic Improvement Programs, Research, and Technology Transfer Activities, Standish K. Allen Jr., Caird Rexroad III, and Robert Rheault


In the face of climate change and exhaustive exercise: the physiological response of an important recreational fish species, Daniel P. Crear, Richard Brill, Lauren M.L. Averilla, Sara C. Meakem, and Kevin C. Weng


Invasive Blue Catfish in the Chesapeake Bay Region: A Case Study of Competing Management Objectives, Mary C. Fabrizio, Vaskar Nepal, and Troy D. Tuckey


Investigating the efficacy of a proposed marine protected area for the Endangered humphead wrasse Cheilinus undulatus at a remote island group in Seychelles, Ryan Daly, Clare A. Keating, Andrew E. Gray, Lauren R. Peel, Luke Gordon, James S.E. Lea, Christopher R. Clarke, and Kevin C. Weng