VIMS Articles | Virginia Institute of Marine Science | William & Mary


Submissions from 2018


Land Use and Salinity Drive Changes in SAV Abundance and Community Composition, Christopher J. Patrick,; Donald E. Weller,; R J. Orth; David J. Wilcox; and Michael P. Hannam


Latitude, temperature, and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass beds across the Northern Hemisphere, PL Reynolds, JJ Stachowicz, K Hovel, C Bostrom, K Boyer, and Et al.


Likely locations of sea turtle stranding mortality using experimentally- calibrated, time and space-specific drift models, Bianca S. Santos, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Sarah A. Rose, Susan G. Barco, and David M. Kaplan


Living Shorelines Support Nearshore Benthic Communities in Upper and Lower Chesapeake Bay, Theresa M. Davenport, Rochelle D. Seitz, Kathleen E. Knick, and Nina Jackson


Living Shorelines Support Nearshore Benthic Communities in Upper and Lower Chesapeake Bay, TM Davenport, Rochelle D. Seitz, KE Knick, and N Jackson


Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region, JS Lefcheck, R J. Orth, WC Dennison, D. J. Wilcox, RR Murphy, K. Moore, and Et al.


Loss of seagrass results in changes to benthic infaunal community structure and decreased secondary production, Rochelle D. Seitz and Caroline J. Ewers Lewis


Massive Upland to Wetland Conversion Compensated for Historical Marsh Loss in Chesapeake Bay, USA, Nathalie W. Schieder, David C. Walters, and Matthew L. Kirwan


Millennial soil retention of terrestrial organic matter deposited in the Bengal Fan, KL French, Christopher J. Hein, N Haghipour, L Wacker, and HR Kudrass


Mitotic instability in triploid and tetraploid one-year-old eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, assessed by cytogenetic and flow cytometry techniques, JT de Sousa, Standish K. Allen Jr., BM Wolfe, and JA Moss


Multi-decadal trends and variability in temperature and salinity in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Georges Bank, and Gulf of Maine, Elizabeth J. Wallace, Lev B. Looney, and Donglai Gong


New constraints on coseismic slip during southern Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes over the past 4600 years implied by tsunami deposits and marine turbidites, GR Priest, RC Witter, Yinglong J. Zhang, C Goldfinger, KL Wang, and JC Allen


Numerical Model of Geochronological Tracers for Deposition and Reworking Applied to the Mississippi Subaqueous Delta, JJ Birchler, Courtney K. Harris, TA Kniskern, and CR Sherwood


Overcoming early career barriers to interdisciplinary climate change research, Christopher J. Hein, John E. Ten Hoeve, Sathya Gopalakrishnan, and et al


Phylogenetic analysis of apicomplexan parasites infecting commercially valuable species from the North-East Atlantic reveals high levels of diversity and insights into the evolution of the group, R. Xavier, R. Severino, M. Pérez-Losada, C. Gestal, R. Freitas, D. James Harris, Ana Verissimo, D. Rosado, and J. Cable


Population genomics and phylogeography of a benthic coastal shark (Scyliorhinus canicula) using 2b-RAD single nucleotide polymorphisms, Alice Manuzzi, Lorenzo Zane, Antonio Munoz-Merida, Andrew M. Griffiths, and Ana Verissimo


Predicting marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise using Holocene relative sea-level data, BP Horton, I Shennan, SL Bradley, N Cahill, Matthew L. Kirwan, RE Kopp, and TA Shaw


Projecting shifts in thermal habitat for 686 species on the North American continental shelf, J. W. Morley, R. L. Selden, Robert J. Latour, T. L. Frolicher, R. J. Seagraves, and M. L. Pinsky


Restoring the eastern oyster: how much progress has been made in 53 years?, AB Hernandez, Rochelle Brumbaugh, P Fredrick, R Grizzle, Mark Luckenbach, CH Peterson, and C Angelini


Rising Temperatures, Molting Phenology, and Epizootic Shell Disease in the American Lobster, Maya Groner, Jeffrey D. Shields, DF Landers, J Swenarton, and JM Hoenig


Role of Baroclinic Processes on Flushing Characteristics in a Highly Stratified Estuarine System, Mobile Bay, Alabama, Jiabi Du, Kyeong Park, Jian Shen, and et al


Role of Sediment Resuspension on Estuarine Suspended Particulate Mercury Dynamics, EA Seelen, Grace M. Massey, and RP Mason


Saltmarsh plants, but not fertilizer, facilitate invertebrate recolonization after an oil spill, David S. Johnson, JW Fleeger, MR Riggio, IA Mendelssohn, QX Lin, DR Deis, and A Hou


Scanning Electron Microscopic Aids For Identification Of Larval And Post-Larval Bivalves, RA Lutz, Et al., Michael Castagna, and Roger L. Mann


Sediment Transport Model Including Short-Lived Radioisotopes: Model Description and Idealized Test Cases, Justin J. Birchler,; Courtney K. Harris; Christopher R Sherwood; and Tara A. Kniskern


Shoreline Hardening Affects Nekton Biomass, Size Structure,and Taxonomic Diversity in Nearshore Waters, with Responses Mediated by Functional Species Groups, MS Kornis, Donna Marie Bilkovic, LA Davias, S Giordano, and DL Brietburg


Shorescape-level factors drive distribution and condition of a salt marsh facilitator (Geukensia Demissa), Robert E. Isdell, Donna M. Bilkovic, and Carl Hershner


Short-Term Pain and Long-Term Gain: Using Phased-In Minimum Size Limits to Rebuild Stocks-the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Example, Lisa E. Ailloud, Todd Gedamke, and John M. Hoenig


Spatial distribution and morphological responses to predation in the salt marsh periwinkle, AJ Rietl, MG Sorrentino, and BJ Roberts


Stoichiometric N:P Ratios, Temperature, and Iron Impact Carbon and Nitrogen Uptake by Ross Sea Microbial Communities, JL Spackeen, DA Bronk, Rachel E. Sipler, EM Bertrand, DA Hutchins, and AE Allen


StormSense: A Blueprint for Coastal Flood Forecast Information & Automated Alert Messaging Systems, Jon Derek Loftis, Sridhar Katragadda, Sokwoo Rhee, and Cuong Nguyen


StormSense: A New Integrated Network of IoT Water Level Sensors in the Smart Cities of Hampton Roads, VA, Jon Derek Loftis, David R. Forrest, Sridhar Katragadda, Kyle Spencer, Tammie Organski, Cuong Nguyen, and Sokwoo Rhee


Successful recruitment, survival and long-term persistence of eastern oyster and hooked mussel on a subtidal, artificial restoration reef system in Chesapeake Bay, Rom Lipcius and Russell P. Burke


Symbiotic unicellular cyanobacteria fix nitrogen in the Arctic Ocean, K. Harding, K. A. Turk-Kubo, Rachel E. Sipler, M. M. Mills, and D. A. Bronk


The competing impacts of climate change and nutrient reductions on dissolved oxygen in Chesapeake Bay, ID Irby, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, F Da, and KE Hinson


The contribution of local and transport processes to phytoplankton biomass variability over different timescales in the Upper James River, Virginia, Qubin Quin and Jian Shen


The effect of capture and handling stress in Lophius americanus in the scallop dredge fishery, Amelia M. Weissman; John W. Mandelman; David Rudders; and James A. Sulikowski,


Tidal Habitats Support Large Numbers of Invasive Blue Catfish in a Chesapeake Bay Subestuary, Mary C. Fabrizio, Troy D. Tuckey, Robert J. Latour, Gary C. White, and Alicia J. Norris


Tidal Response to Sea-Level Rise in Different Types of Estuaries: The Importance of Length, Bathymetry, and Geometry, JB Du, Jian Shen, Yinglong J. Zhang, Fei Ye, Z Liu, ZG Wang, YP Wang, X Yu, M Sisson, and Harry V. Wang


Time Trends of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Antarctic Biota, E Markham, EK Brault, M Khairy, AR Robuck, ME Goebel, MG Cantwell, RM Dickhut, and R Lohmann


Use of rapidly evolving molecular markers to distinguish species and clarify range uncertainties in the spearfishes (Istiophoridae, Tetrapturus), Jan McDowell; Nadya R. Mamoozadeh,; Heidi L. Brightman; and John Graves


Watershed-Scale Drivers of Air-Water CO2 Exchanges in Two Lagoonal North Carolina (USA) Estuaries, Bryce R. Van Dam, Joseph R. Crosswell, Iris C. Anderson, and Hans W. Paerl


Wetlands In a Changing Climate: Science, Policy and Management, WR Moomaw, GL Chmura, GT Davies, CM Finlayson, BA Middleton, SM Natali, JE Perry, N Roulet, and AR Sutton-Grier

Submissions from 2017


Abundance and local-scale processes contribute to multi-phyla gradients in global marine diversity, GJ Edgar, TJ Alexander, JS Lefcheck, AE Bates, SJ Kininmonth, and Et al.


A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity, Luke R. Thompson, Jon G. Saunders, et al, Earth Microbiome Project Consortium, and Donglai Gong


Addressing the Issue of Microplastics in the Wake of the Microbead-Free Waters Act - A New Standard Can Facilitate Improved Policy, Jason P. McDevitt, Craig S. Criddle, Molly Morse, Robert Hale, and et al


Advancing the link between ocean connectivity, ecological function and management challenges, M Hidalgo, DM Kaplan, LA Kerr, JR Watson, CB Paris, and HI Browman


Aquaculture genomics, genetics and breeding in the United States: current status, challenges, and priorities for future research, Hisham Abdelrahman and Standish K. Allen Jr.


Assessing National Biodiversity Trends for Rocky and Coral Reefs through the Integration of Citizen Science and Scientific Monitoring Programs, Rochelle Stuart-Smith, GJ Edgar, et al, JS Lefcheck, and et al


Assessing the Impact of Local and Regional Influences on Nitrogen Loads to Buzzards Bay, MA, Shanna C. Williamson, Jennie E. Rheuban, and et al


Assessing water quality of the Chesapeake Bay by the impact of sea level rise and warming, P Wang, L Linker, Harry V. Wang, G Bhatt, G Yactayo, K Hinson, and R Tian


Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities, KR Wilcox, AT Tredennick, SE Koerner, E Grman, LM Hallett, David S. Johnson, and Et al.


A Synergistic Approach for Evaluating Climate Model Output for Ecological Applications, Rochelle Cavanaugh, EJ Murphy, et al, Walker O. Smith Jr., and et al


A test bed for coastal and ocean modeling, R. A. Luettich Jr., L. D. Wright, C. R. Nichols, R. Baltes, M. A.M. Friedrichs, and et al


Behavioral analysis of Microphallus turgidus cercariae in relation to microhabitat of two host grass shrimp species (Palaemonetes spp.), PA O'Leary and OJ Pung


Bottom-Up Control of Parasites, David S. Johnson and Richard Heard


Carbon budget of a shallow, lagoonal estuary: Transformations and source-sink dynamics along the river-estuary-ocean continuum, JR Crosswell, Iris C. Anderson, JW Stanhope, B Van Dam, Mark Brush, and et al.


Chemical and photophysiological impact of terrestrially-derived dissolved organic matter on nitrate uptake in the coastal western Arctic, Rachel E. Sipler, SE Baer, TL Connelly, ME Frischer, QN Roberts, PL Yager, and DA Bronk


Climate change impacts on southern Ross Sea phytoplankton composition, productivity, and export, Daniel E. Kaufman, Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs, Walker O. Smith Jr., Eileen E. Hofmann, Michael S. Dinniman, and John C. P. Hemmings


Collection techniques for the analyses of pathogens in crustaceans, Jeffrey D. Shields


Community interactions and density dependence in the southeast United States coastal shark complex, Cassidy D. Peterson, Kristene D. Parsons, Dana M. Bethea, William B. Driggers III, and Robert J. Latour


Comparison of age-frequency distributions for ocean quahogs Arctica islandica on the western Atlantic US continental shelf, Sara M. Pace, Eric N. Powell, Roger L. Mann, and M. Chase Long


Comparisons of Different Instruments for Measuring Suspended Cohesive Sediment Concentrations, YY Shao and JPY Maa


Condition Indices as Surrogates of Energy Density and Lipid Content in Juveniles of Three Fish Species, RW Schloesser and Mary C. Fabrizio


Consumer versus resource control and the importance of habitat heterogeneity for estuarine bivalves, Rochelle D. Seitz, Rom Lipcius, and AH Hines


Contrasting Photo-physiological Responses of the Haptophyte Phaeocystis Antarctica and the Diatom Pseudonitzschia sp. in the Ross Sea (Antarctica), Sasha Tozzi and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Created mangrove wetlands store belowground carbon and surface elevation change enables them to adjust to sea-level rise, Ken W. Krauss, Nicole Cormier, Michael J. Osland, Matthew L. Kirwan, Camille L. Stagg, Janet A. Nestlerode, Marc J. Russell, Andrew S. From, Amanda C. Spivak, Darrin D. Dantin, James E. Harvey, and Alejandro E. Almario


Denitrification potential of the eastern oyster microbiome using a 16S rRNA gene based metabolic inference approach, Ann Arfken, BK Song, Jeff S. Bowman, and Michael Piehler


Development Of An Age-Frequency Distribution For Ocean Quahogs (Arctica Islandica) On Georges Bank, SM Pace, EN Powell, Roger L. Mann, M. Chase Long, and John M. Klinck


Differential effects of bivalves on sediment nitrogen cycling in a shallow coastal bay, Ashley Smyth, Anna E. Murphy, Iris C. Anderson, and BK Song


Direct and indirect impacts of shoreline development on shallow-water benthic communities in a depauperate estuarine system, Cassie D. Lovall, Rochelle D. Seitz, and Kathleen E. Knick


Ensemble modeling informs hypoxia management in the northern Gulf of Mexico, D Scavia, I Bertani, DR Obenour, RE Turner, David R. Forrest, and A Katin


Estimates Of Sea Scallop (Placopecten Magellanicus) Incidental Mortality From Photographic Multiple Before-After-Control-Impact Surveys, DM Ferraro, AC Trembanis, DC Mille, and David Rudders


Forensic reconstruction of Ictalurus punctatus invasion routes using on-line fishermen records, Filipe Banha, Ana Verissimo, Filipe Ribeiro, and Anastacio Filipe


Ghost of invasion past: legacy effects on community disassembly following eradication of an invasive ecosystem engineer, PL Reynolds, J Glanz, S Yang, C Hann, J Couture, and E Grosholz


Glycogen Concentration In Freeze-Dried Tissues Of Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica) Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy To Determine The Relationship Between Concentrations Of The Tissues Excised For Histological Sampling And The Remaining Tissues, Eric Guevelou, Joseph L. Matt, and Standish K. Allen Jr.


History of the Virginia Oyster Fishery, Chesapeake Bay, USA, David M. Schulte


Honored Life Member Eugene M. Burreson March 25, 2009, Ryan Carnegie, CF Dungan, A Villalba, and Kimberly S. Reece


Human Indoor Exposure to Airborne Halogenated Flame Retardants: Influence of Airborne Particle Size, M. J. La Guardia, Erika D. Schreder, Nancy Uding, and Robert C. Hale


Identifying critical recruitment bottlenecks limiting seedling establishment in a degraded seagrass ecosystem, J Statton, LR Montoya, R J. Orth, KW Dixon, and GA Kendrick


Impact of disease on the survival of three commercially fished species, John M. Hoenig, Maya L. Groner, Matthew W. Smith, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, David M. Taylor, Donald F. Landers, John T. Swenarton, David T. Gauthier, Philip W. Sadler, Mark A. Matsche, Ashley N. Haines, Hamish J. Small, Roger Pradel, Remi Choquet, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Surface Waters of the Western North Atlantic Mitigated by Multiple Feedbacks, Pierre St-Laurent, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Raymond G. Najjar, D. K. Martins, M. Herrmann, Scott R. Miller, and John Wilkin


Interactive effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on nitrate, urea, and dissolved inorganic carbon uptake by a coastal California, USA, microbial community, JL Spackeen, Rachel E. Sipler, K Xu, et al, and DA Bronk


KRILLBASE: a circumpolar database of Antarctic krill and salp numerical densities, 1926-2016, Angus Atkinson and Deborah K. Steinberg


Lateral vegetation growth rates exert control on coastal foredune "hummockiness" and coalescing time, EB Goldstein, LJ Moore, and OD Vinent


Late-summer biogeochemistry in the Mertz Polynya: East Antarctica, E. H. Shadwick, B. Tilbrook, and K. I. Currie


Linking the Abundance of Estuarine Fish and Crustaceans in Nearshore Waters to Shoreline Hardening and Land Cover, MS Kornis, D Breitburg, R Balouskus, Donna M. Bilkovic, LA Davias, Rochelle D. Seitz, and Et al.


Lipid consumption in coral larvae differs among sites: a consideration of environmental history in a global ocean change scenario, Emily B. Rivest, CS Chen, TY Fan, HH Li, and GE Hofmann


Low Apparent Survival and Heterogeneous Movement Patterns of Invasive Blue Catfish in a Coastal River, Troy D. Tuckey, Mary C. Fabrizio, AJ Norris, and M Groves


Marsh persistence under sea-level rise is controlled by multiple, geologically variable stressors, Molly Mitchell, Julie Herman, Donna M. Bilkovic, and Carl Hershner


Mechanisms governing ontogenetic habitat shifts: role of trade-offs, predation, and cannibalism for the blue crab, Amanda Bromilow and Romauld Lipcius


Meiotic And Early Zygotic Development In Crassostrea Virginica Observed Through Confocal Microscopy, H Masaru, A Komaru, Joana Teixeira De Sousa, and Standish K. Allen Jr.


Mesozooplankton Graze on Cyanobacteria in the Amazon River Plume and Western Tropical North Atlantic, BJ Conroy, Deborah K. Steinberg, BK Song, and et al


Microbial Community Response to Terrestrially Derived Dissolved Organic Matter in the Coastal Arctic, Rachel E. Sipler, Colleen T. E. Kellogg, Tara L. Connelly, QN Roberts, Patricia L. Yager, and Deborah A. Bronk


Modeling The Habitat Distribution Of Spiny Dogfish (Squalus Acanthias), By Sex, In Coastal Waters Of The Northeastern United States, Andrea Dell'Apa, Maria G. Pennino, and Christopher F. Bonzek


Multifaceted biodiversity hotspots of marine mammals for conservation priorities, Camille Albouy, Valentine L. Delattre, Bastien Merigot, Christine N. Meynard, and Fabien Leprieur


Multispecies Extensions to a Nonequilibrium Length-Based Mortality Estimator, Quang C. Huynh, Todd Gedamke, John M. Hoenig, and Clay Porch


Mutualism between ribbed mussels and cordgrass enhances salt marsh nitrogen removal, Donna M. Bilkovic, Molly Mitchell, Robert E. Isdell, Matthew Schliep, and Ashley R. Smyth


New insight into the transmission dynamics of the crustacean pathogen Hematodinium perezi (Dinoflagellata) using a novel sentinel methodology, Jeffrey D. Shields, Juan Pablo Huchin-Mian Huchin-Mian, Pattie A. O’Leary, and Hamish J. Small


Ocean acidification compromises a planktic calcifier with implications for global carbon cycling, CV Davis, Emily B. Rivest, and et al