Theses/Dissertations from 2001
The relationship between conceptual level and moral development of substance abuse prevention professionals working in higher education and their comprehensiveness of programming, Mary Katherine Crozier
Heat shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to various contaminants (PAHs, PCBs and cadmium), Luis A. Cruz Rodriguez
"Gershwin Gone Native!": The Influence of Primitivism and Folk Music on "Porgy and Bess", Katherine Dacey
Two steps from the blues: Creating discourse and constructing canons in blues criticism, John M. Dougan
Age-Related Differences in the Prey-Dropping Behavior of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), Eric G. Dunlavey
Captive Women among the Iroquois, W. Scott Ebhardt
Single positive pion electroproduction in the first and second resonance regions using CLAS, Hovanes Egiyan
Hannah and Priscilla: The Education of Slave Girls and Planters' Daughters in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, Amber Esplin
Algorithms for operations on probability distributions in a computer algebra system, Diane Lynn Evans
Recovering Elements in Historical Archaeology: The use of Soil Chemical Analysis for Overcoming the Effects of Post-Depositional Plowing, Lisa E. Fischer
Shipbuilding in Maryland, 1631-1850, Ben Ford
Age, Growth, and Mortality of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, in the Chesapeake Bay Region, John R. Foster
Effects of Light and Salinity Stress on Vallisneria americana (Wild Celery), Gail T. French
A national survey of policies and practices regarding the performance evaluation of public school educators, Carole Beat Geiger
Genetic Investigation of Interspecific and Intraspecific Relationships Within the Genus Rapana, Arminda L. Gensler
Race Relations: A Family Story, 1765-1867, Wendy Gonaver
Individual Versus Group Resource-Allocation Performance, Roxana M. Gonzalez
For Generations: Wills, Inventories, and Wealth in Colonial Virginia, Wayne Graham
Morphological Variation of Three Populations of the Veined Rapa Whelk, Rapana venosa, an Invasive Predatory Gastropod Species, Rebecca A. Green
The relationships between teacher self-efficacy beliefs, teacher job satisfaction, socioeconomic status and student academic success, Dana Elizabeth Gresham
Mindfulness, Meditation, and Anger, Michael P. Griffin
Allozyme Variation in American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius L (Araliaceae): Implications for Management of Wild and Cultivated Populations, Holly Jean Grubbs
Mothering to Worlds Old and New: Marie de l'Incarnation and Her "Children", Ginger S. Hawkins
Risk in Intimacy and Reactions to Rejection Emotions, Nancy Hechenbleikner
Student debt and debt burden of graduate and first professional students: A national and institutional analysis, Daina Paupe Henry
Sediment budgets, estuarine sediment loads, and wetland sediment storage at watershed scales, York River watershed, Virginia, Julie D. Herman
Life History Attributes of Mid-Atlantic Menidia menidia (Pisces: Atherinidae) and a Comparison with Northern (Massachusetts) and Southern (South Carolina) Populations, Richard K. Holmquist
Characterization of Cyclic and Linear Dipeptides, Christine Michelle Howard
A Tradition of Doubt: Women and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Virginia, Leslie C. Hunt
Preparation and Characterization of Molecular Imprinting Polymer with (S)-Naproxen, Yue Hu
Sub-pixel techniques to improve spatial resolution, Mark Robert Idema
Who Are You Calling "Criminal?": A New Look at the Violent Criminal Stereotype, Heather V. Imhof
Wangunk Ethnohistory: A Case Study of a Connecticut River Indian Community, Timothy Howlett Ives
Reflections of Thought: Land Plats of Gloucester County, Virginia, 1733-1849, Isabel Rebecca Jenkins
Differential Migration, Molt and Departure Date in White-Throated Sparrows, Zonotrichia albicollis, Kendell Jenkins
Use of Pop-Up Satellite Tag Technology to Estimate Survival of Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Released from Pelagic Longline Gear, David Kerstetter
Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) Aquaculture: Captive Growth Rates and Product Quality Evaluation, David Patrick Kilduff
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Physical and Biological Mixing in the York River Subestuary, Tara A. Kniskern
Fashion's Foes: Dress Reform from 1850-1900, Elizabeth A. Komski
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Plant Communities of Three Tidal Salt Marshes along the York River, Virginia, Rosemary E. Laird
Fellow travelers: Indians and Europeans together on the early American trail, Philip A. Levy
A study of the secondary turbidity maximum in the York River Estuary, Virginia, Jing Lin
A study of metaphor development in young gifted children, Catherine Anne Little
Post-glacial sedimentation in a river -dominated epicontinental shelf: The Yellow Sea example, Jing-pu Liu
A correlational study of school principals' perceptions of self-efficacy and the availability and quality of gifted programming in their schools, Louis Paul Lloyd-Zannini
Structures, Fields, and Farmsteads of Early America: Post-Revolutionary Class Relations in Tidewater Virginia, Chad C. Long
Adrenal Expression of cyp17 and hsd3b1 mRNA in Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii, Brian Thomas Lovitt
Ultrasonographic measurement of periodontal attachment levels, John Edward Lynch
The Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(I) Networks with Heterocyclic Bridging Ligands, Jonathan Timothy Maeyer
Solid state NMR characterization of structural and motional parameter distributions in polyamidoammonium dendrimers, Dariya Ivanovna Malyarenko
Moravian Missions to the Delaware Indians, 1792-1812, Jessica Maul
A publisher's hand: Strategic gambles and cultural leadership by Moses Dresser Phillips in Antebellum America, MaryKate McMaster
Characterizing and monitoring changes in state of polymers during cure and use -aging, Andrew Orschel Meyer
Effects of humic acids and salinity on pesticide bioavailability and toxicity as estimated by SPME and toxicity tests, Laurent C. Mézin
Vitellogenin -- a Biomarker of Exposure to Environmental Estrogens for Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) from a Creosote-Contaminated Site?, Sara Mirabilio
Reprinting Culture: Book Publishing in the Early Republic, Virginia L. Montijo
The vermin -killers: Pest control in the early Chesapeake, Megan Haley Newman
Monument to Sentiment: The Discourse of Nation and Citizenship at the Oklahoma City National Memorial, Caroline Carpenter Nichols
United States' Foreign Policy during the Haitian Revolution: A Story of Continuity, Power Politics, and the Lure of Empire in the Early Republic, Jeffrey B. Nickel
TR Phosphorylation & Nuclear Import, James B. Nicoll
Class Negotiation and Accoutrement Use: Pistol Ownership in York County, Virginia, 1634-1729, Jeremy Loren Nienow
Phenomenology of the SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(I) x U(1)(Y) x U(1)(Y') model, Shuquan Nie
"A Bad Case of Fossilized Tradition": The Discourse of Race and Gender in Women's Battle for the Ballot in Richmond, Virginia 1909-1920, Melissa D. Ooten
GED diploma graduates: Performance, persistence, and attrition in four -year postsecondary education institutions, Monica A. Osei
The Proper Role of Religious Conviction in Moral-Political Discourse, Jerry Owens
Daily Importance of Creativity to Entrepreneurial Team Members: A n Empirical Investigation, Elizabeth Layne Paddock
Shenandoah Valley Earthenware as Symbols of Identity, Sunyoon Park
Factors contributing to the integration of computer technology in classroom instruction, Philip Michael Pavlidis
The impact of school and contextual factors on the graduation rates of Virginia migrant students, Denise Chapell Perritt
Rethinking the Red Scare: The Lusk Committee and New York State's fight against radicalism, 1919--1923, Todd J. Pfannestiel
"The Little Stop Before the Words": Bildungsroman and the Building of a Colonial Discourse in Rudyard Kipling's "Kim", Adam Keith Pfeffer
Remembering American Wars in Three Controversial Displays: The Wall, the Enola Gay, and the Vietnam Era Educational Center, Joanna E. Pleasant
Standards-based assessment and program efficacy: Comparing service delivery models for students with learning disabilities and their peers without disabilities, Patricia Ann Popp
Huguenot Silversmiths in London, 1685-1715, Brooke Gallagher Reusch
The Energetics of Seasonal Reproductive Inhibition in White-Footed Mice, Michelle E. Rightler
By the Side of the Road: An Interpretive Look at Road Menders' Houses, Aida Belén Rivera-Ruiz
Archaeological Application of the Metal Detector, Wayna L. Roach
Women in Blue: Women in the US Navy during World War Two, Zoe Catherine Robinson
Measurement of the strange sea of the proton, Gary A. Rutledge
A study of the congruence between the transition planning process and first -year outcomes for students with learning disabilities, Donna Marie Sabel
Optimal educational experiences and their relationship to self-concept and flow in adolescent high-ability and gifted learners, Lisa Ann Schenkel
Consolidating power: Technology, ideology, and Philadelphia's growth in the early republic, andrew M. Schocket
An officer and a lady, Kathleen Marie Scott
Modeling of Critically-Stratified Gravity Flows: Application to the Eel River Continental Shelf, Northern California, Malcolm E. Scully
The Lost Philosopher: Algernon Sidney and the American Enlightenment, Laura K. Semel
Application of the genetic algorithm to an ecological simulation, William J. Seufzer
The stated goals and purposes of Christian schools and the reasons parents give for choosing them, Cecelia Ruth Short
Evaluation of Opercular Bones for Aging Eight Species of Chesapeake Bay Fishes, Ann M. Sipe
In the Mind and Bed of the Beholder?: Individual and Situational Differences in the Experience of Sexual Interactions, Carrie Veronica Smith
A Numerical Simulation and Statistical Modeling of High Intensity Radiated Fields Experiment Data, Laura Smith
Friendly Meetings: The Art of Conquest and the Mythical Origins of Pennsylvania, Ca 1620-1771, James O'Neil Spady
Participation and performance on Virginia's Standards of Learning by students with disabilities: The influence of classification and placement, Paula Maria Spady
The Squared Circle and that Household Box: The Relationship between Wrestling, Television and American Culture, Brian Stewart
The impact of marine reserves on exploited species with complex life histories: a modeling study using the Caribbean spiny lobster in Exuma Sound, Bahamas, William T. Stockhausen
Relationships among long -term debt, current fund revenues and expenditures, and endowment value at public four-year colleges and universities, Michael Lee Stump
Katherine Anne Porter and her publishers, Alexandra Subramanian
Strange Bedfellows: Eugenicists, White Supremacists, and Marcus Garvey in Virginia, 1922-1927, Sarah L. Trembanis
Predicting Partner Violence in College Couples: The Role of Global Self-Esteem, Domain-Specific Self-Esteem, and Jealousy, Alelhie Valencia
Persistent organic pollutant transport and fate: Assessment by molecular tracers, Padma T. Venkatraman