Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Accelerating the simulation of wireless cellular systems, Luiz Felipe Perrone
Notions of Refinement and Displays of Dignity in African-American Home Spaces, 1885-1935, Roxane Victoria Pickens
Characterization of Iron-Bearing Solids Used by Naturally-Occurring Microbes in the Anaerobic Degradation of Hydrocarbons, David C. Powell
Students exiting preschool special education: A six -year examination of eligibility patterns and performance, Elisabeth Murphy Powers
The honorable fraternity of moving merchants: Yankee peddlers in the Old South, 1800--1860, Joseph T. Rainer
Assessing potential for learning: A factor-analytic study of a performance-based identification protocol for young, socioeconomically disadvantaged high-ability learners, Robert Martin Reardon
Semantic software scouts for information retrieval, John J. Rehder
The impact of block scheduling on student performance on the Virginia Standards of Learning End-of-Course assessments, James Kenneth Richardson
A World of Goods: The Printer's Economy in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, Kari S. Richardson
In-situ frequency-dependent electromagnetic sensing for monitoring physical and chemical attributes during chemical processing, Jeffrey David Rogozinski
The Attempted Synthesis of 4,4'-Bis(dimethylamino)azobenzene-3,3'-disulfonylchloride as a Cap for beta-Cyclodextrin, Katherine M. Ross
Effects of polychlorinated biphenyl exposure on development and sexual differentiation in ranid tadpoles, Mary J. Rybitski
The role of stress in determining community structure: Effects of hypoxia on an estuarine epifaunal community, Alessandra Sagasti
"So Long as the Sunne and Moone Endureth": Religion and Empire in England, 1576-1614, Sharon Sauder
Implementing state transfer policies: A case study of Virginia's state *policy on transfer, Lonnie J. Schaffer
Organizational citizenship behaviors and technologically proficient university faculty, Scott Richard Sechrist
Long-term debt in college and university institutional finance, James Alan Shultz
Application of the Shoreline Instability Model along the Western Side of the Chesapeake Bay, Va, Kevin G. Skunda
Personality Qualities Associated with Visual Image Preference and Creativity, Marlene H. Stemme
Analysis of the United States Coast Guard Mentor Program., Anne Monaco Sutton
Low damage processing and process characterization, Xianmin Tang
Ruled with a pen: Land, language, and the invention of Maine, Gavin James Taylor
Bacchus and Bellum: The Anglo-Gascon Wine Trade and the Hundred Years War (987 to 1453 A.D), Christopher D. Turgeon
An interactive simulation environment for end-to-end digital imaging system design and fidelity analysis, Moira Joyce Turner
Photosynthetic Response and Nutrient Uptake Dynamics of Phytoplankton in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Christina Marie Van Hilst
Quantitative Analysis of Oral Movements in a Mouthbrooding Chichlid, Orcochromis esculentus, Erin Van Lieu
How gardening pays: Leisure, labor and luxury in nineteenth-century transatlantic culture, Robin Veder
Plasma source ion implantation of high voltage electrodes, Thomas Joseph Venhaus
Studies in hard pion photoproduction, Christian Jens Wahlquist
The absorption spectrum of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields, Dongmei Wang
Stopover Ecology of the Blackpoll Warbler, Dendroica striata, during Spring Migration on the Coastal Plain of Virginia, Magill Weber
Narrative Mastery and Representational Violence in Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita", Elizabeth Weston
Defending the Constitution, Nicholas M. Wolf
Synoptic scale climatic forcing of multispecies fish recruitment patterns in Chesapeake Bay, Robert J. Wood
Surface processing by RFI PECVD and RFI PSII, Lingling Wu
Investigating the Executive Flexibility Model, Nancy Jane Yanchus
Organic matter composition of sediments and the history of eutrophication and anoxia in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay, Andrew R. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Frequencies of Suspension-Feeding Actions Vary with Prey Type in Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae), K. Lara Ackermann
Studies in microwave and RF capacitively coupled excimer lamp, Joseph Divine Ametepe
Contextual variables of the counselor internship experiences from the perceptions of the interns: Contributions to their psychological development, Teresa B. Ancellotti
A content analysis of state legislative responses to educator assault, Jamie Heider Arkin
Teacher efficacy and behavior: their relationship and impact on student learning, Linda Diane Avery
Distribution, swimming physiology, and swimming mechanics of brief squid Lolliguncula brevis, Ian K. Bartol
Morphological, electrophysiological and behavioral investigation of visual acuity of the juvenile loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), Soraya M. Bartol
"Who is Archaeology's Public?": A Critical Analysis of Public Images and Expectations of Archaeology, Kevin M. Bartoy
Phylogenetic Implications of Sporangial Ultrastructure in the Subfamily Lithophylloideae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta), Mark T. Bedell
A transpersonal approach in a case of dissociative identity disorder, Deborah Hall Berkley-Carter
Intertexual [sic] Cadences, "When Wants and Woes Might Be Our Righteous Lot": Excavating Phillis Wheatley's Transcending Voice of Accent, Antonio T. Bly
Correlates of the joint attention disturbance in autism, Linda Sue Bourdon
Between the River and the Flood: The Cherokee Nation and the Battle for European Supremacy in North America, James Allen Bryant
The Puritan Experiment in Virginia, 1607-1650, Kevin Butterfield
African American History at Colonial Williamsburg, Nicole Carroll
The Beasley Wharf Complex: A Study of Frontier Interaction in the Lower Great Lakes in the Late 18th Century, Trevor Ryan Carter
The Emotional Consequences of Exposure to Sexual Orientation Inappropriate Humor on Television Comedies, Allison S. Caruthers
"The Poet, the Poem, and the People": Etheridge Knight's American Counterpoetics, Sam Chaltain
Fashionable dis-ease: Promoting health and leisure at Saratoga Springs, New York and the Virginia Springs, 1790-1860, Thomas A. Chambers
A two-component aggregation model, Thomas A. Chisholm Jr
Limits to parallelism in scientific computing, Dan Alvin Chrisman Jr.
Limitation of Bacterial Growth by Dissolved Organic Matter and Iron in the Southern Ocean, Matthew J. Church
Criteria for presidential performance reviews in higher education institutions in Virginia, Claudia Hudak Clark
"C" is for Cookie, Culture, and Capitalism: The Muppet Phenomenon in the United States, Nicole B. Cloeren
Electroproduction of omega (783) mesons using CLAS at Jefferson Lab, Alan Clayton Coleman
Parliament and the Tudor Succession Crisis, Lauri Bauer Coleman
Aspects of the biology of sea turtles in the mid-Atlantic Bight, William C. Coles
A case study of three transpersonal psychotherapists and their bhakti and karma approaches to transpersonal psychotherapy., Edward H. Connor
Eying Italians: Race, romance, and reality in American perception, 1880--1910, Joseph Peter Cosco
Carbon Production and Growth Physiology of Heterotrophic Bacteria in a Subtropical Coral Reef Ecosystem, Peter Dylan Countway
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Organic Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) in Surface Waters of the York River, VA Estuary, Rebecca E. Countway
Dynamic load balancing via thread migration, David Cronk
Subsistence and Social Behavior: Evolving Strategies in the Rural New England Landscape, Susannah Dean
Fine-scale strata formation in biologically and physically dominated estuarine systems within the lower Chesapeake and York River subestuary, Timothy M. Dellapenna
The growth and development of novice family counselors theory to practice, Denyse Brennan Doerries
Reconsidering Swinburne's Relation to Whitman, David B. Donlon
Latent Self-Revelation in Majorie Rawlings' "Cross Creek", Alexandra Duckworth
Accurate visualization of distributed system execution, Dennis Lee Edwards
Gender Ideology at the Lowell Boott Mills: A Material Culture Analysis, Carolyn Michelle Ehner
Totally nonnegative matrices, Shaun M. Fallat
Indo-Pacific Population Structure of the Black Marlin, Makaira indica, Inferred from Molecular Markers, Brett Falterman
Surface and Structural Similarity in Analogical Reasoning: Transfer from a Card Game to the Monty Hall Problem, Ana M. Franco-Watkins
Medium- and Long-Term Changes in Fluvial Discharge to the Sea: The Yellow River Case Study, John J. Galler
Ties that bind: A multiple case study of issues of power and control in school cultures undergoing a change to inclusion, Phoebe Ann Gillespie
Putting Flesh on the Bones: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Butchery Analysis in Historical Archaeology, R. Grant Gilmore
Sediment dispersal and sequence development along a tectonically active margin: Late Quaternary evolution of the Ganges-Brahmaputra River delta, Steven Lee Goodbred Jr.
Reproductive Success of Black Skimmers on an Artificial Island: Effects of Hatching Date and Feeding Rate, Christopher Alan Gordon
Relationships between experience, credentials, moral development, conceptual level, and self-efficacy of school counselors, Susan Emilie Halverson
Crossing Cultural Chasms: Eleazar Wheelock and His Native American Scholars, 1740-1800, Catherine M. Harper
Anglo-Scottish Relations from Gentle to Rough Wooing, 1543-1547, Lance Adrian Hedrick
Decay search for the supersymmetric R(0) (gluon gluino) hadron via the channel R(0) going to positive pion negative pion photino, Kevin Michael Hern
Mechanisms Mediating Social Enhancement of Alcohol Intake in the Rat, Jennifer L. Holloway
The effect of seagrass habitat fragmentation on juvenile blue crab survival, Kevin Hovel
Stormy Weather: Lena Horne, Dorothy Dandridge and the Cultural Politics of Stardom, Amy L. Howard
Luxury Consumption in 1815 Fredericksburg, Virginia: Gender, Race, and the Personal Property Tax, Shannon Lynn Hughes
Timing of Spring Migration in White-Throated Sparrows, Karen M. Johnson
Principals' knowledge of legal issues related to search and seizure issues in Virginia, Nicholas Everett Kalafatis
Three generations of planter -businessmen: The Tayloes, slave labor, and entrepreneurialism in Virginia, 1710-1830, Laura Croghan Kamoie
By the book: Advice and female behavior in the eighteenth -century South, Catherine Kerrison
Perceptions of Stress between Business Owners and Business Managers, andrea L. Kimmel
Social Learning and Alcohol, Ginger M. Lant
The Fashionable Set: The Feasibility of Social Tea Drinking in 1774, Samantha M. Ligon