Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The effect of chemical dependency counselors' spiritual well-being on the spiritual well-being of their clients, Clifford Wilson Brooks Jr.
The impact of sick building syndrome on selected variables associated with school effectiveness, Caryl Shannon Felty
The juggling act female administrators perform between their professional and nonprofessional lives, Betsy Taylor Roesch
The long-term effectiveness of the Reading Recovery Program, Mary Jan Rozzelle
The principal's role in fostering teacher collaboration for students with special needs, Evie Ruth Tindall
The relationship between moral and ego development and treatment foster parent effectiveness and attitudes, Brent Gentry Richardson
The use of visualization in the treatment of substance abusing adolescents, Candice Jane Cook
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Academic freedom and faculty careers: A case study of four Nobel laureate exiles, 1930-1940, Timothy Dale Norton
Achieving balance in the governance of intercollegiate athletics: An examination of power and authority over time, Robert Eugene Baker
An assessment of secondary school counselors' HIV-related knowledge, attitude, and stage of moral development, Phyllis Johnston Jones
An electronic storage and access system for special education legislation, Courtney Siler Frantz
Baccalaureate-prepared women in nursing: Return to graduate education in nursing in midlife, Barbara Ann Ritch-Brant
Coping strategies of depressed and nondepressed adolescents, Marcia A. Kennedy
Creative fund raising efforts in three Virginia community colleges, Barbara Anne Johnsen
Effects of social skills training program designed to improve the social status of isolated and rejected children, Mariella Giuffra Zapatero
Recruitment practices of Virginia public school divisions and the effectiveness of selected sources in the recruitment of teachers, Linda Duffy Palombo
Separation-individuation and older adolescents with disruptive classroom behavior, Eunice Esther Lockwood
Strategies and leadership options for internationalizing the comprehensive community college: A case study of Tidewater Community College, 1986-1995, Harriet Hanna Nichols
The hidden curriculum of the video teleconference (VTC) classroom and its implications for the university of the twenty-first century, Mary Webb Stout
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Academic freedom and the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary experience, 1979-1989, James Benson Johnson II
A comparative study of brief and time-unlimited marital therapists, Sharon Kay Gilley
A correlational study of Female National Certified Counselors and their attitudes toward homosexuals, Jelane Anne Kennedy
Adult children of alcoholics: Measuring the personality characteristics of autonomy, inferiority and intimacy, Cynthia Ann Walker
A study of the effectiveness of using collegiate mentors to reduce violent behavior, improve self-concept, and increase academic success in an urban middle school, Faith Richards Newton
D-Q University: A history and case study, Mary Josephine Berger
Family counselor interaction patterns as related to client gender: Differences in treatment of school-age girls and boys, Sherry Barnes Rabinowitz
In the shadow of giants: Contemporary constraints on effective presidential leadership in higher education, Sarah Corner Kennedy
Lessons from the past: An historical analysis of science education (biology) curriculum reforms, 1950 to 1975, Gwetheldene Louise Holzmann
Part-time music faculty in selected senior institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Thomas Ward Forrest
Psychological and psychosocial responses of women seeking pregnancy counseling to HIV antibody testing, Geoffrey Wayne Ludford
Section 504(E) and higher education: An historical case study of federal policy development, Robert John Howman
Staff development practices used in Virginia's public schools: A comparative analysis of personnel perceptions from rural and other districts, Herbert Oliver Cox
The effectiveness of an intervention program to improve performance of low-achieving students on the Literacy Passport Test, Harriet Elizabeth Bauer
The effects of psychodrama treatment on levels of assertiveness and locus-of-control in women who have experienced battering, Jeanne Ball Burger
The impact of principal instructional leadership on student achievement in small high schools in Virginia, Joseph Roy Geiger II
The relationships between cognitive appraisal, coping and physical functioning in a work hardening population, Linda Susan Townsend
Wishlist or reality? The Committee on the Future of the Virginia Community College System and its report, "Toward the Year 2000", Elizabeth Hinton Crowther
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
A comparison of aggression, locus-of-control, and androgyny at admission and at discharge in psychiatric hospitalized males., Richard D. Huey
A different drum: The forgotten tradition of the military academy in American education, Kurt Allen Sanftleben
A Journey from West Africa to Slavery: African-American Life During the Eighteenth-Century., Teresa Ann Broyles
An analysis of early marital adjustment: The role of narcissism, cognitive, and family systems variables, Larry Stephen Armstrong
An analysis of the role of principals supervising programs for students with disabilities in effective schools as defined by Virginia's Outcome Accountability Project, Helen Clayton Williams
A study of subjective symptoms associated with seizure disorders in adolescents, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen
A study of the relationship between scheduling practices and selected Outcome Accountability Project indicators in Virginia high schools, Jonathan Leopold Lewis
A "wealth of hallowed memories": The development of mission, saga, and distinctiveness at the Virginia Military Institute, David Roger Loope
Behavioral differences in depressed and conduct-disordered youth, Kathryn Haynes Rhody
Burden in spousal caregivers: A correlational study of the effect and interaction of stressors, vulnerability, psychological resources and social supports on the development of burden in spousal caregivers of the chronically ill, Sheila Marie Crossen-Powell
Campus and consortium in an era of large-scale research: An historical study of the Virginia Associated Research Center, 1962-1967, Elizabeth Buchanan Ward
Comprehension of Miranda rights by 14-18 year old African-American and Caucasian males with and without learning disabilities, Barbara Anne Zaremba
Constantly vulnerable yet persistently strong: A study of the financial condition of the liberal arts college, Robert Joseph Bouressa
Continuing nursing education: An analysis of the relationship between benefits, participation and socialization of registered nurses in southeastern Virginia, Barbara Simpkins Harrison
Divorce adjustment: Anxiety, self-esteem, and locus-of-control, Grace John Hadeed
Making access meaningful: Effects of an early contact program on community college student success, Judy Bierlein McMillan
Perceptions of senior re-entry registered nurse students in baccalaureate nursing programs, Yvonne Nazareth Stringfield
Relationships among therapists' family background, personality traits, and therapeutic approach, Jeffrey Neil Van Pelt
Responsibility as a factor in adjustment for siblings of children with retardation, Victoria Boccelli Damiani
Selected family therapy outcomes with Bowen, Haley, and Satir, Joan Elizabeth Winter
The college investment decision for nontraditional students: Factors affecting the choice of postsecondary enrollment and quality, Shahram Amiri
The commuters' alma mater: Profiles of college student experiences at a commuter institution, Tisa Ann Mason
The impact of a cognitive strategy on students' composing skills, Macon Jasper Moye
The relationship between a locality's fiscal capacity and its per-pupil expenditure in the Commonwealth of Virginia as a result of the 1988 funding formula change, Mary Messer Mehaffey
The relationship between selected personality factors and the resolution of certain Eriksonian stages in a group of female elders, Katherine Beale Coates
The relationships between retrospective perceptions of an alcoholic home environment with levels of differentiation of self and trait anxiety in adult children of alcoholics, Barbara Lynn Rojas-Hughes
Training peer paraprofessionals in career services: An analysis of current practices, Melissa Jayne Whitt
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
A content analysis of the attention to microcultural factors in selected multicultural education college textbooks used in the United States, Sandra Farmer Baugh
Adequate and appropriate intelligence testing of moderately mentally retarded children, Nancy Lynn Robertson Orrison
AIDS and the academic community: A study in university governance, Ann Dinius
Alumni as givers: An analysis of donor-nondonor behavior at a Comprehensive I institution, Linda Faye Burgess-Getts
An analysis of the National War College, Thom H. Terwilliger
An analysis of Virginia school psychologists' decisions relative to assessment profiles and recommended handicapping condition, Brian Alan Keith
An evaluation of personality-environmental factors related to job satisfaction of secondary school natural science teachers, George Newton DeShazo
Anger and type-related coping resources in the experience of adult survivors of incest, Kathleen M. Giles
A study of core special education competencies needed for public school building administrators, JoAnne Yarbrough Carver
A study of programs designed to stimulate students' independent reading, Elizabeth K. Welsh
A study of student attrition at a small, rural community college: A test of the Bean and Metzner Model, Alan Michael Harris
A study of teachers' instructional planning as revealed by an analysis of objectives, strategies and indicators of student achievement, Barbara Sewell Davis
A study of the relationship of territoriality and teacher sense of efficacy to job satisfaction of elementary school teachers, Barbara Elizabeth Smith
A validity study of the control/nurture dimensions of the Sale-Hendren Model of Structural Family Therapy, Robert George Mahan
Creating a tradition: Early campus planning at Hampton Institute, 1868-1893, Susan Hicks Jones
Helping first-year college students climb the academic ladder: Report of a national survey of freshman seminar programming in American higher education, Betsy Overman Barefoot
Leadership development in higher education for public health, Grace Peak Erickson
Metaphors we make schools by: The debate on schools of choice, Stephanie Marie McConachie
Peer influence within the student residential environment: The effectiveness of educational crime prevention programming, Stephen Damian Bisese
Racial issues in White dyads: An investigation of Helms's interaction model, Nancy G. Ochs
Reducing teachers' levels of stress: A comparison of two counseling treatment models, andrew Charles Elgort
School system merger: A study of power and redistribution of resources, Rebecca Clark White Adams
Selected personality characteristics as correlates of effective school principals, Elizabeth Jean Shahmouradian
Special education complaint management: A national profile, Elizabeth C. Yaryan
The efficacy of special education services for students with learning disabilities: A longitudinal study, Madeline N. Sobczak
The organizational culture of the academic department: A case study of a Department of Biological Sciences, Martha Anne Smith
The relationship between teacher verbal feedback, aptitude, and academic intrinsic motivation, Ann Jenkins Wickwire
The relationship between the content and quality of ex-spousal interactions and the adjustment of stepchildren: An exploratory study, Bradley Lawrence Elison
The use of humor to relieve stress in psychiatric nurses, Joanne Kwandt