This collection features dissertations from doctoral students at the William & Mary School of Education.


Theses/Dissertations from 1982


The impact of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action legislation on Virginia public school divisions as perceived by school personnel officials, John A. Mitchell


The impact of live supervision on the family therapist's level of immediacy, anxiety, responsiveness, and genuineness, John L. Bistline


The prediction of academic performance of open admissions students at Virginia State University, Joseph T. Tambe


The rating of nonverbal counseling techniques by reluctant adolescent clients, James Ernest Forrester


The relationship of selected variables to stress and job satisfaction of elementary school principals, Mary L. Murphy


The relationship of student-teacher compatibility to perceived student discipline, Terrence J. O'Toole -1946

Theses/Dissertations from 1981


A comparison of the effects of open-ended and consensus seeking group discussion processes on the moral judgment of dental hygiene students, Lindsay Lorimer Rettie


A history of governance at Lee College : a study in Pentecostal higher education, Raphael Weller Stephens III


An analysis of selected state requirements for graduation from high school in Virginia 1900-1976, Virginia Richards Armstrong


An analysis of the effects of a faculty advisor training program and certain other variables upon student satisfaction, Donald Leroy. Reichard


An investigation of various group perceptions on task performance of curriculum specialists, Vasti DeLoatch


A study of the relation of organizational climate to individually guided education programs in selected elementary schools in an eastern Virginia city school division, Theodore L. Forte


A study of the relationship between father-absent homes and father-present homes and the academic performance and social adjustment of black middle school students, Joe Louis Simmons


A study of the relationship of selected federal court cases to student control policies found in Virginia school board policy manuals, Harold David. Gibson Sr.


Distinctive traditions at the College of William and Mary and their influence on the modernization of the college, 1865 to 1919, Russell T. Smith


History of the Virginia Teachers Association, 1940-1965, Alfred Kenneth Talbot Jr.


Political factors affecting the establishment and growth of Richard Bland College of the College of William and Mary in Virginia 1958-1972, James B. McNeer


The College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1800-1827, Ruby Orders. Osborne


The development of a dietitian selection scale and a comparison of therapeutic and administrative dietitians, Patricia Ann Hodges


The differences of individuals with type A and type B behavior patterns and the women's awareness seminar on self-actualization and flexibility, Carolyn A. Glass


The differential effects of three life career development courses on the self-concept and career maturity of college underclassmen, James Stewart Huntington-Meath


The effects of covert modeling and progressive relaxation on the locus of control orientation and drinking behavior of inpatient alcohol abusers, Ronald Willis Goodman


The effects of pacing and cognitive style upon student achievement and attitude in basic college mathematics, Barbara Upton Wilson


The effects of women's studies on the fear of success and locus of control of female college students, Arlene Spielholz Levine


The relationship between the school environment and student achievement in Virginia elementary schools, Craig P. Organ


The relationship of need fulfillment to job attitudes of faculty in higher education, Frances Goodwin Holt

Theses/Dissertations from 1980


An evaluative study of the 1972-74 standards of quality and objectives for public schools in Virginia, Norman Steven. Smith


An investigation of staff development programs designed for Virginia school officials, Bob L. Sigmon


Anxiety and the disabled, Wayne P. Villeneuve


A theory of prescribed academic change : the case of Title IX, Judith Patten Newcombe


Demographic and clinical characteristics as predictors of the reinstitutionalization rate of emotionally disturbed adolescents, Lou Ross Hopewell


Descriptive characteristics of inpatients with tardive dyskinesia as distinguished from inpatients without tardive dyskinesia, Lucy Glover Savage


Empathy revisited: the effect of representational system matching on certain counseling process and outcome variables, William Philip Brockman


Forecasting enrollments in a Virginia community college, Sue C. Lawrence


Institutional origin : labor market signaling in higher education, Jean Conover Wyer


The relationship among the cognitive, role-taking, and moral development abilities of emotionally disturbed adolescents, James Francis Kenney


Using a structured group experience to enhance the group interaction and leadership skills of gifted children, Elizabeth Chilcott Shifflette

Theses/Dissertations from 1979


A comparison of the perceptions of the characteristics of secondary teachers by black and white secondary school students in an urban school district, Robert Wilson Sizemore


Adjustment counseling with children of divorced parents, Barbara A. Bebensee


An experimental study of the effects of classroom instruction and clinical learning experiences on the attitudes of students of nursing toward the aged, Elizabeth Barfield Hinchliffe


A study of the effects of the Program for Effective Teaching on academic secondary teacher behavior and general mathematics student achievement in the Newport News public schools, Newport News, Virginia, Alfred William Lebold


A study of the relationship of achievement motivation to attribution and activity characteristics of military wives, Linda Joseph Fineran


Effects of sexual guilt upon affective responses to subliminal sexual stimuli, Michael Barton Magri


Effects of spouse counseling on the treatment outcome of the problem drinker, Paul J. Johnston


Exposure to violence and personality characteristics associated with conflict resolution techniques in intrafamily conflict, Carolyn Foster Tighe


Identification of the forces that led to the establishment of Tidewater Community College as a multi-campus institution, 1968-1978, Louis. Monroe


Multi-directional learning between delinquent children and their parents : the child's relationship on caretaking control, and the caretaker's style on the child's self-concept and social interaction, Ronald Savage


Predicting student attrition at an urban college, E. Michael. Staman


The effect of a performance curriculum in human relations on attitudes, verbal communication, and interpersonal relationship of teacher trainee, Frances D. Graham


The effects of client centered group counseling and relaxation on the self concept and negative bahavior of junior high school students who are disciplinary problems, Gladys Hammond Kaggwa


The effects of rational self-counseling on selected personality dimensions of upward mobility registrants, Marguerite Charlotte Finnerty


The effects of relaxation and positive suggestion on early symptoms of senility in older adults in an institutional setting, Helen Gernert Simons


The influence of accreditation on the development of the Medical College of Virginia into an institution with university affiliation, Walter S. Griggs Jr.


Theories and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Pamela Guyler Boll


The relationship between trait anxiety, locus of control and counselor interpersonal process variables, Lawrence Adrian Hollingsworth


The relationship of personality to ability-achievement of college freshmen, Carolyn I. Allen Cooper -1942


The relationship of work-study to the grade point averages of selected students enrolled in Norfolk State College during 1973-1974 through 1976-1977, Alvin Clinton Lomax


The relationships between socioeconomic status, sex, self-concept, academic achievement, and course selection of urban black tenth-grade students, Earl Birges Chappell

Theses/Dissertations from 1978


Analysis of role perceptions of trustees, administrators, faculty, and students of four-year public institutions of higher education in Virginia, Betty Jo Bird


A study of administrators' perceptions of change in three private liberal arts women's junior colleges : Averett, Southern Seminary, Virginia Intermont, in Virginia from 1966 to 1976, Aine Peterson Smith


A study of teacher effectiveness training upon secondary school teachers and their pupils, William Norwood Cox


A study of the differential effects of three career counseling techniques on career-related activities and attitudes of black college freshmen, Judith Glenn Burke


A study of the interrelationships among perceived leader behavior of principals, assessments of organizational output and teacher morale in the secondary schools of the Roman Catholic diocese of Richmond, Mitchell James Hartson


A study of the relationship between the importance of certain feedback sources and classroom teacher performance, Mary Tillotson Helliesen


Community college faculty members' attitudes toward correctional inmates : an attempt to increase faculty participation in off-campus instruction at correctional institutions, Arthur Howard Friedman


Effects of hotline voice quality on willingness to self-disclose, Nancy Sherman Musika


Helper empathy and retention of empathetic skills on hotline telephone, Gail Wood Robertson


Intrapsychic and interpersonal personality and temperament changes in marital dyads resulting from a marriage enrichment program based on rational-emotive therapy, Russell Everett Bigney


The attitudes of community college faculty toward academically disadvantaged students, Carolyn Rudd Brown


The effects of a beginning art history class on selected aspects of creative disposition and verbal expressiveness in college students, Leslie Schenkman Kaplan


The effects of administrative style and communications on faculty perceptions of shared authority in the Virginia community college system, Larry M. Hewin


The effects of nonverbal warm-up exercises upon group counseling effectiveness with adolescent groups, Charles Grayson Guyer II


The relationship of principal's level of moral development and school organizational climate, James L. Young


The relationship of the actualizing process and the Human Potential Seminar to the self-concept and self-actualization of community college students, Carolyn W. Hines


The use of social interest, activity and affect as reflected in early recollections as predictors of stress in an analogue social situation, Michael D. Traver

Theses/Dissertations from 1977


A comparison of parent effectiveness training and behavior modification parent training groups on behavior change in target children : self-concept, family interaction, and patterns of behavior change, Mark A. Pinsker


Affective development training and disability simulation with sighted children and its effects on interaction strain and attitudes toward visually handicapped peers, Christopher Raymond Ovide


A Focus of attention and its effects on the attribution of blame for children's problems, Ellen Kean Rudolph


A method of evaluating a planning, programming, budgeting system (PPBS) : a case study of Virginia Union University, Ruth Coles Harris


An analysis of the perceptions of Virginia school superintendents and school board chairpersons concerning the role of the superintendent of schools in collective negotiations, Ira Richard Hanna


An approach to the measurement of unit costs in higher educationÂ, Robert David Teitelbaum


An investigation of selected experimental methods for increasing military service veteran applications for enrollment in selected colleges of the Virginia community college system, Frederic Allison Henney


A study of the effects of a group education program, systematic training for effective parenting, upon parental self concept and assessment of child behavior, Marcia Thompson Bauer


Faculty perceptions of selected characteristics of full-time students attending Rappahannock Community College, fall quarter 1975, Oscar L. Prater


The effects of peer facilitator self-disclosure upon adolescent self-disclosure in a group interview, William Arthur Butler


The relationship between college freshmen resident students' levels of maturity and the attribution of causality for a stimulus person's behavior, Terry Bradford Cox


The relationship of principal-teacher life style and interpersonal need compatibilities to principals' ratings of teacher performance, Joseph Roland Davis


The use of active memory encoding strategies by thought disordered and non-thought disordered schizophrenics, Lois Abramczyk


The use of the career motivation process as a means of influencing the self concept and career development of tenth grade students, Sanford Dean Snider

Theses/Dissertations from 1976


A comparison of the impact of selected individualized curriculum organizations on faculty perceptions, student attitudes, and student achievement,  Michael T. McCormick


A comparison of the relative efficiencies of reinforcement and trait-expectancy theories in the prediction and control of self-esteem, David Edward Dooley


A descriptive study of offices of institutional research in Virginiaʼs public senior colleges and universities, Janie C. Jordan


An investigation into the modification of locus of control in outpatient alcoholics and its relationship to preference for alcoholics anonymous, Bettsy H. -1944 Hettinger


A review of tenure policies in private higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1964 to 1974, Jack C. Van Newkirk


A study of self-disclosure prediction and two types of interviewer modeling in the counseling interview, John David Sykes


A study of the effects of life career development counseling on the self-concept and career maturity of community college students, Michael Joseph Johnson


A study of the effects of the Downing parent group education program upon parental self-concept, parental manifest anxiety, and the behavior of offspring in an alternative education environment, William Dale Cox


A study of the status of women counselors in the Virginia community college system, Patricia Elizabeth Clifton White


Legislative opinions of the members of the Virginia General Assembly toward the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, Marlene Joyce Claya Hager


Policies and practices of coordination and cooperation between the public community colleges and the public senior colleges and universities in Virginia, Donald James Finley