Theses/Dissertations from 1992
White students' racial attitudes and racial identity development in a liberal arts environment, Mary Hornback Glisan
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
A case study of the predictive ability of placement tests for principles of accounting, Sonja Ann Sanders Villaire
A comparative study of students served in a transitional first-grade with students retained in grade and regularly promoted students, Philip Iovino
A comparison of the performance of students prepared for study at Old Dominion University through a developmental program with those accepted directly from secondary schools, Nathaniel Elias Villaire
An analysis of characteristics associated with corporate colleges, Jean Simpson Rose
An exception to the rule: Bank Street College of Education as an independent professional school (1916-1990), Jane M. Bailey
An exploration of patterns of influence shaping rural gifted students. (Volumes I and II), Donna Pugh Owen
An historical policy analysis of educational articulation: A case study of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1966--1990, Maxine Branch Singleton
An investigation and analysis of educator perceptions of mainstreaming mildly handicapped students in grades 5-9 in randomly selected urban and rural school divisions in Virginia public schools, Pamela Buckner Riedel
An investigation of eligibility decision congruence among school administrators, psychologists, and social workers for Virginia's developmentally delayed population, John William Faircloth
An investigation of the effects of breach of confidentiality of adolescents' level of trust, Carolyn Bosta Warrick
An investigation of the effects of Personal Mastery Counseling on goal attainment, self-concept, locus-of-control, and behavior ratings of junior high school students, Lawrence Edward Sutton
Antecedents of maternal-infant attachment: A longitudinal study, Jacqueline Jeanne White
Effects of a cognitive-behavioral program designed to increase the reading comprehension skills of learning-disabled students, Jane Pindar Reilly
Efficacy of self-instructional training in the management of test anxiety: A primary prevention model, Rita Schreyer Wagner
Higher education's hidden craftsmen: A re-examination of the roles of support services middle management, Robert Kimball Seal
Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI): A validity study, Anne Witt Perkins
Reactions to spousal death resulting from cancer: A descriptive study of anticipatory grief and the cognitive appraisal of the loss of a spouse, Jennifer Claire Kinyon Elison
Siblings of elementary gifted students: The sibling relationship, self-concept and classroom behavior, Karen Elizabeth Poe West
The call of the wild: Investigating the relationship between adventure education, character development, and the college curriculum, Barbara Ann Klingman
The current attitudes of principals and teachers regarding mainstreaming in Virginia middle-level schools, Janice Landmesser Farley
The effect of computer-assisted instruction in improving mathematics performance of low-achieving ninth-grade students, Thomas Everett Bailey
The personal motivation system of Hispanic female students as measured by the Picture Identification Test, Martha Lazcano Muguira
The politics of choice: An analysis of the presidential search and selection process, Michael Thomas Kelly
The public service aspect of William and Mary's mission: 1906-1972, Kathryn Jean S. Patterson
The relationship between cooperating teachers' feedback styles and the intrinsic motivation of student teachers, Richard Newton Weber
The relationship of codependence to career choice, Karen Hinderliter Barnett
The transformation of Madison College into James Madison University: A case study, Emily Gillespie Robertson
The utility of a computerized assessment battery to evaluate cognitive functioning and attention, Carl Richard Ellis
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
A comparative study of student achievement, program delivery, and teacher training in a gifted program, Mary Frances Briley
Adolescent identity formation: Inpatient influence on self-concept, David John Mueller
A model to predict institutionalization of school-business partnerships, Ronald M. Flowe
An analysis of Virginia public school principals' perceptions of their roles, Howard Thomas Gillette III
A national study of professional standards in special education teacher preparation programs using the standards adopted by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Council for Exceptional Children, Dawn Colleen Johnson Waegerle
A procedure to measure the effects of covert death anxiety on the physiological and affective responses of student nurses, John Luther Weeks
Assessment of behavior and personality characteristics of master's level counselor education students across training and supervision, Timothy E. Clinton
A study of the relationship between principals' extent of participation in budgeting, locus-of-control, and job satisfaction, Harold Louis Cothern
A study of the relationship between the job satisfaction of secondary assistant principals and their perception of their principal's leader behavior, Lloyd Conway Jones
Factors contributing to the use of computer-based information systems in student services, Genene Marie DeMaio
Parental perceptions of children clinically diagnosed as Affective Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or Conduct Disorder: The implications for family therapy, Pamela McComas Vaught
Predictors of role conflict, role ambiguity, and propensity to leave among academic department secretaries, Rona J. Vrooman
The effects of microcomputers on the mathematical skills of low-achieving students, Charlotte Evans Copley
The parent checklist for new kindergarten pupils: A validation study, Willis Glen Miller Jr.
The personal need systems of college students: An analysis of the poorly adjusted freshman, Kenneth Michael Saad
Therapeutic intervention in the treatment of substance abuser's unresolved grief reactions in an inpatient hospital setting: A study of two group approaches, Alan Wayne Forrest
The relationship of interpersonal problem-solving skills to adjustment, James Alan Russo
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
A descriptive study of sex-trait stereotypes of lay church members for women clergy, Loretta A. Mueller
An analysis of the relationship between race and gender and national student placement in programs for the educable mentally retarded, learning-disabled, and seriously emotionally disturbed from 1976 through 1984, Robert Frederick Richardson Jr.
A study of reading achievement gains in classes of special education teachers using the Beginning Teacher Assistance Program indicators of competence, Cynthia Henshaw
A study of the relationship of social planning processes to the social competence of learning-disabled adolescents, Roberta Swithers Barton
A survey of state educational agencies on criteria for providing related services as mandated by Public Law 94-142 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Antonis Katsiyannis
A Unit of Instruction on Evolution, Judith Gail Williams
Beyond the campus: Image and saga of the state coordinating council: A case study of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, 1977-1987, Agnes Logan Braganza
Coping with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Manual for Parents and Teachers, Christine H. A. Peterson
Factors accounting for the development of the Virginia community college system, Patsy Rainey Joyner
Factors affecting persistence of re-entry women at an urban state university, Carolyn Sheriff Mayfield
Horace Mann: A comparison of a traditional and a revisionist biography, George C. Whiting
Institutional image: A case study of George Mason University, Elizabeth Anne Acosta-Lewis
Life in Williamsburg, Virginia: 1891-1921, Kari Lauralyn Sessoms
Measuring certain cognitive traits in depressed mothers and their children: A controlled study, James Allen Correll
Middle school innovation: Interpretation and assessment, William Bryant Williams Jr.
Presenting the past: Education, interpretation and the teaching of black history at Colonial Williamsburg, Rex Marshall Ellis
Reducing vulnerability for bulimia among college-aged women: Implementation of an educational model for prevention., Jan Elliott Evans
The origins and development of Virginia's student assessment policy: A case study, Serbrenia J. Sims
The relationship between husband-wife/assertiveness-nonassertiveness and marital satisfaction, Jerry Douglas Kiser
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
A comparison of the predictive ability of selected variables upon success on the American Society of Clinical Pathologists Medical Technology Registry Exam, Carmine Thomas Somma Jr.
An historical analysis of the development of teacher training at the State Normal School, Farmville, Virginia, 1884-1924, Betty Jo Whitaker Simmons
A predictive validation study of criterion-referenced tests for the certification of soldiers in specialist-level military training programs, Darl McDaniels
A study of the evolution of three inschool suspension programs in Virginia, Judy Stowe Sullivan
A study of the relationship between student achievement and teacher-student interaction in secondary classrooms, Barry L. Beers
A study of the relationship of age to psychological type in couples entering marriage, William Arthur Lockwood
Career patterns of collegiate administrators in Virginia, Hugh Carrington Rowland
Characteristics of family therapists, Keren Marie Humphrey
Economies and diseconomies of scale in the American two-year colleges, Duncan Roger Butts
Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness through use of the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator, Patricia Sclater Thompson
Incentives for faculty participation in professional service at selected public urban universities in Virginia, Barbara King Wallace
Information gathering by trustees for decision-making: Informal and formal sources, Dyanne Strohkorb Bostain
Matthew F. Maury School, 1934-1970: A case study in educational innovation, Dale Christina Kalkofen
Overdue: A policy analysis of college library operation programs, Henry Dale Grunder
Political factors affecting the development and growth of the Norfolk Division, the College of William and Mary (1930) into Old Dominion College (1962), Gerald Benton anderson
Psychological development of infants conceived through in vitro fertilization, Virginia Lee Van de Water
Reactions of gay men to AIDS: A survey of self-reported change relative to self-concept, intimacy and sexual behavior, Donnie Gray Conner
The Richmond School Board and the desegregation of Richmond public schools, 1954 to 1971, Mildred Davis Bruce
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
An examination of androgynous traits as demonstrated by public school building administrators, Ramona Boone Stenzhorn
A study of equity and adequacy in the Virginia public school finance system, Edward Walter Carr
A study of principal leadership style adaptability and teacher use of effective teaching skills, Dorothea Mabe Shannon
A study of the relationships of parents' locus of control and child-rearing attitudes to children's locus of control, Mary Margaret Strate
Censorship by librarians in public senior high schools in Virginia, Laura Smith. McMillan
Client advocacy in nursing: A contemporary perspective, Bertha Roslyn Bell
Distance learning and higher education : a study in state-wide policy and coordination for continuing education in the 1980's, Barbara Maurer Hund
John Locke and the education of the poor, Charles Garfield Ferguson
Nursing in the university : an historical analysis of nursing education at the Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia School of Nursing, Betsy A. Bampton
Perceived competencies and attitudes of a select group of elementary school administrators relative to preparation and experience in administering special education programs, Nancy Equils. Hyatt
Psychological characteristics of noncustodial fathers involved in child custody litigation, Sandra Wells Underwood
Saga, strategy and the marketing mix: A case study of Lynchburg College, Howard Ray Hunnius