Theses/Dissertations from 1976
A study of the status of women counselors in the Virginia community college system, Patricia Elizabeth Clifton White
Legislative opinions of the members of the Virginia General Assembly toward the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, Marlene Joyce Claya Hager
Policies and practices of coordination and cooperation between the public community colleges and the public senior colleges and universities in Virginia, Donald James Finley
Relationships between selected teacher characteristics and tendencies toward collective action, Richard Stephen. Sternberg
Role conceptions of faculty and clinicians in the field of physical therapy, John Lennox Echternach
The effects of gender similarities and differences between subject and stimulus on dropout prediction, Joan James George
The effects of rational self-counseling upon the locus of control of treated subjects, Thomas Warren Clawson
The founding of the permanent denominational colleges in Virginia, 1776-1861, Stuart Bowe Medlin
The relationship between teacher perceptions of managerial styles and the quality of interpersonal relationships between teachers and supervisory personnel, Hazel Burgett Sherman
The use of counselor selection instruments and measures of creativity in the construction of prediction equations for counselor trainee selection, Lenard Joseph Wright
Work values and their relationship to certain personality types of community college students, Howard Thornton Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
A study of the relationship of selected variables to grade point average in general biology at Thomas Nelson Community College, Turner McKinley Spencer
Faculty perceptions of shared authority and collective bargaining at the public institutions of higher education in Virginia, James Owen Armstrong II
The relationship of principal-teacher attitude similarity to principal evaluations of teacher effectiveness, Joseph Frank Sellew
The role of the counselor within the Virginia community college system, William Lloyd Welter
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
A description of selected characteristics of Virginia community college graduates from Associate in Applied Science degree programs, 1966-1971, James Christopher Phillips
An experimental, cooperative game, and its effects upon the participants' self-concept, self-esteem, and attitudes towards a hyprothetical peer-group, James John Bergin
An investigation into perception of the college environment and personality of occupants of various residence halls, Charles Leroy Beale
A procedure for the utilization of subliminal perception to assess and modify personlity, Daniel Ralph Collins
A strategy for teaching decision-making skills utilizing simulation techniques, Marcella Fortner Whitson
A study of the effects of group counseling on religious attitudes and verbal behaviors of members of a conservative synagogue, Shlomo D. Levine
Environmental and political correlates of appropriations for higher education in Virginia, 1950-1972, Stuart Murray Bounds
State controlled higher education in Virginia and the budgeting process 1950-1972 : a move toward formal methods, Richard Allan Kellogg
The least preferred coworker score of the leader and the productivity of small interacting task groups in octants II and IV of the Fiedler Contingency Model, Robert John Beebe
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
A history of the relationships between the state of Virginia and its public normal schools, 1869-1930, Bruce Emerson
An identification and analysis of the expectations of Virginia school board members for their superintendents, Edward E. Brickell JR.
A study of certain attitudinal and biographical characteristics of upper echelon administrators in the Virginia community college system, Paul St. Clair Hurd
A study of the relationship between secondary teacher satisfaction and attitude toward collective negotiations, David Ray Corley
Counselor reputation and previous performance as an influence upon counselee interaction and attitude in a group experience, Janice Lee Harris
Organizational climate and participation mode as related to the productivity of high and low cohesive formal faculty groups, Elizabeth-Anne Bartlett Daly
Social perceptions and verbal interactions in tape-directed and counselor-directed encounter groups, John C. Ficht
The development of a counselor selection scale through an item analysis of the California psychological inventory, Willard LeGrande Lewis III
The political, social, and economic factors in the shaping of the structure of public higher education in West Virginia:Â a history, 1863-1969, William Preston Jackameit
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
A study of the 45-15 cycled-attendance plan for year-round operation of schools in Prince William County, Virginia, James Colin Mounie
The relationship of certain personality and situational variables to teacher susceptibility to persuasion, Gloria Tyler Robertson
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The Relation between Improvement in Reading Achievement and Self-Concept in Fifth-Grade Groups, Alice Margaret Hedrick
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
A Survey of the Effects of Mobility on Children of Career Military Personnel, Howard T. Taylor
Perceptual Tempo with Visual Patterns by Educable Retarded Children, Phoebe Martin Harcum
Study of Geography in Virginia, Wolf Prow
The Student-Worker Crisis in France May-June, 1968, John Bingham Munroe
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
John Millington, Civil Engineer and Teacher, 1779-1868, Lavonne Olson Tarleton
Selected Functions of an Educator in Medical Technology: The Teaching Supervisor, Camille Ann Atwood
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Development of a Textbook Concerned with Municipal Government for Use in Secondary Schools in Danville, Virginia, Theodore Edward Temple
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
The Mathematics Teacher Shortage, Class Size and Programmed Learning, William Maltby
Virginia High School Journalism Contrasted with the Professional Concept of Journalism, Paul Frederick Rule
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
A Comparative Study: Two Methods of Teaching French 101-102 at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1959-1961, Virginia Nelson Anding
The Development of the Elementary Music Curriculum Guide for Princess Anne County-Virginia Beach City Schools, Irene Altheide Korte
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
An Evaluation of the Curriculum in English at Hampton High School, Carleen Lillian Wells Yates
An experimental study of Academic Achievement as a Function of Homogeneous Grouping, William Francis Koontz
Varina School, Henrico County, 1909-1957., Vera Palmore Morton
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
An Experimental Comparative Investigation of the Readability of a Flat Chalkboard and a Curved Chalkboard in a Classroom, W. Rodman Snelling
Common Elements and Differences in Provisions for Compulsory School Attendance, Ann Elizabeth Calevas
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
A Proposed Curriculum Guide for the Seventh Grade of the Matthew Whaley School, Mary Eugenia Crank
A Study of the Opportunities Available to the United States Army Soldier for Acquiring a College Degree, Heinz Henry Volz
Motion Pictures and the Retention of Biological Knowledge, Allen M. Eckstine
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
An Analysis of the Extent to Which a High School Meets the Needs of a Community, E. Vernon Gilbert
A Survey of the Opinions of English Professors in Virginia Colleges Regarding Desired Preparation for Their Freshman English Courses., Elaine Robins Owens
European Influences in American Education 1783-1860, Sydney R. Hatch
History of Woodrow Wilson Parent Teacher Association., Lucille Wheeler
Teaching as Guidance., Jeanne Bell Etheridge
The Establishment of Sixth Grade Reading Norms., Julian Bascom Dunn
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
An Analysis of the Army Education Program, George Lester anderson
An Appraisal of the Guidance Program of a Large Semi-Rural High School., Clarence Albert Davis
A Survey of Student Opinion Concerning Selected Aspects of the Student Personnel Services of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, Fred Seaman Allen
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
An Analysis of a Five-Point Program of Supervision in a County, Curtis Lee Ramsey
An Analysis of the Educative Values of the Student Cooperative Stores in the Province of Quebec, Marthe Marcelle Roy
An Appraisal of Extra Class Activities in a Junior High School, Charles Frederick Kelley
An Appraisal of the Extracurricular Activities Program at a Junior High School, Benjamin Franklin Saunders
An Evaluation of a Visiting Teacher Program in Norfolk County Schools, Emma Flowers Story
An experimental study of the Effect of Puppetry on Pupil Growth in School Achievement, Personal Adjustment, and Manipulative Skill, Albert Edward Haak
A Plan for Improving the Pupil Activities Program in a Virginia High School, Franklin Niel Postlethwait
A Proposed Method for Teaching Reading, Writing and Spelling by Means of Controlled Phonograms, Forrest Hampton Wells
Principles Underlying the Effective use of a Lay Advisory Committee in Solving a Community Education Problem, Bruce Martin Kent
Suggested Activities for Exploration and Guidance in the Eighth Grade at Fieldale High School, Paul Tulane Atkinson
The Development and Appraisal of a Reporting System in Kilmarnock School., Henri Bertram Chase
The Development of an Industrial Arts Measurement Knowledge Test, Chester H. Gutzler
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
An Appraisal of Guidance Services in a Junior High School., Mary Winston Stephenson Spears
An Appraisal of the Extra-Class Activities Program at Granby High School, Arthur Dick Barfield
An experimental study in Retention of Knowledge in Seventh Grade General Science, Ruth Groves Keffer
An Investigation into the Extent of Interpretation between Matthew Whaley High School and the Parents with Children of High School Age, Robert William Ward
An Investigation of the Functions of the High School Completion Examination in Virginia, Muriel Catherine Ingram Mayfield
A Plan for Improving the Guidance Services in a Virginia High School, George Cameron Pitts
A Study of Dropouts at the Matthew Whaley School, Jean Genelle Caldwell
A Study of Drop-Outs in the Buena Vista High School, Louise Brockenbrough
Effects of World War II Upon Certain Administrative and Instructional Aspects of Newport News High School, John Franklyn Powers
The Development of a Handbook for High School Teachers., Raymond Willis Snead
The Development of a Suggested Syllabus for a Two Year Course in Dramatics for a Secondary School, Travis Talmage Turner
The Effect of Reading Deficiency Upon Scholastic Achievement and Personal Adjustment in College, William Franklin Stone
The Procedures Used for the Evaluation of the Wilson Memorial High School, Robert Austin McChesney
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
Adaptability of a Twelve-Year School Program to the Holland High School, Clyde G. Johnson
A Description and an Appraisal of a Course of Study in Sex Education for Junior High School., Sue Booker Christian
A Measure in Terms of Income of the Ability to Pay for Public Free Education, and of the Effort Exerted by the Counties and Cities in Virginia, School Year 1947-1948, Robert Stanley Harpine
An Analysis and Appraisal of the Women's Intramural Sports Program at the College of William and Mary, 1945-1950, Inez Lois Smith
An Evaluation of the Public Relations Program of the Public Schools of Alleghany County, Virginia, Walter Lee Hodnett
A Study of College Admissions Policies in Virginia as a Limitation on the Development of the High School Curriculum, John M. MacGregor
A Study of Procedures Used by Teachers with Pupils on Educational Trips to Williamsburg, Virginia, Florence Dickerson Graham