Theses/Dissertations from 2001
GED diploma graduates: Performance, persistence, and attrition in four -year postsecondary education institutions, Monica A. Osei
Optimal educational experiences and their relationship to self-concept and flow in adolescent high-ability and gifted learners, Lisa Ann Schenkel
Participation and performance on Virginia's Standards of Learning by students with disabilities: The influence of classification and placement, Paula Maria Spady
Relationships among long -term debt, current fund revenues and expenditures, and endowment value at public four-year colleges and universities, Michael Lee Stump
Standards-based assessment and program efficacy: Comparing service delivery models for students with learning disabilities and their peers without disabilities, Patricia Ann Popp
Student debt and debt burden of graduate and first professional students: A national and institutional analysis, Daina Paupe Henry
Systemic reform: The impact of North Carolina's state-initiated policies on local gifted programs, Elissa Fern Weisner Brown
The impact of school and contextual factors on the graduation rates of Virginia migrant students, Denise Chapell Perritt
The relationship between conceptual level and moral development of substance abuse prevention professionals working in higher education and their comprehensiveness of programming, Mary Katherine Crozier
The relationships between teacher self-efficacy beliefs, teacher job satisfaction, socioeconomic status and student academic success, Dana Elizabeth Gresham
The role of the superintendent in improving student achievement, Melinda Jones Boone
The stated goals and purposes of Christian schools and the reasons parents give for choosing them, Cecelia Ruth Short
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
A comparative study of teaching critical thinking through persuasive writing to average, gifted and students with learning disabilities, Claire Elizabeth Hughes
Analysis of the United States Coast Guard Mentor Program., Anne Monaco Sutton
Assessing potential for learning: A factor-analytic study of a performance-based identification protocol for young, socioeconomically disadvantaged high-ability learners, Robert Martin Reardon
A study of the relationship between age and performance on computer -assisted rehabilitation tasks for children, Sanford Paul Martin Jr.
A study of the relationship between elementary principal leadership behavior and teacher morale, Dennis Walker Martin
Career path advancement and the female principal, Beverly Toombs Chappell
Equity in mathematics: Algebra for everyone, Regina Lynn Hervey
Full-time community college faculty with doctorates, Janet Ann Craig Azar
Home schooling children with special needs: A descriptive study, Jane Grenfell Duffey
Implementing state transfer policies: A case study of Virginia's state *policy on transfer, Lonnie J. Schaffer
Interdisciplinary studies programs: Developing a grounded theory through a framework of institutionalism, Alan Francis Edwards
Long-term debt in college and university institutional finance, James Alan Shultz
Organizational citizenship behaviors and technologically proficient university faculty, Scott Richard Sechrist
Principal and teacher actions to increase the academic achievement of students with disabilities, Barbara Liskey Driver
Promoting freshman college student development using cognitive developmental theory presented in a Deliberate Psychological Education-based freshman orientation program, Cynthia Mansfield Loiacono
Racial identity, ethnic identity, and acculturation in Korean adoptees, Kathleen Leilani Ja Bergquist
Students exiting preschool special education: A six -year examination of eligibility patterns and performance, Elisabeth Murphy Powers
The impact of block scheduling on student performance on the Virginia Standards of Learning End-of-Course assessments, James Kenneth Richardson
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
A case study of three transpersonal psychotherapists and their bhakti and karma approaches to transpersonal psychotherapy., Edward H. Connor
A content analysis of state legislative responses to educator assault, Jamie Heider Arkin
A transpersonal approach in a case of dissociative identity disorder, Deborah Hall Berkley-Carter
Contextual variables of the counselor internship experiences from the perceptions of the interns: Contributions to their psychological development, Teresa B. Ancellotti
Correlates of the joint attention disturbance in autism, Linda Sue Bourdon
Criteria for presidential performance reviews in higher education institutions in Virginia, Claudia Hudak Clark
Empirical foundations: the core competencies of registered nurse graduates, Bennie Lee Davis Marshall
Examination of a stress process model in people living with AIDS/HIV, Bret Morgan Sawyer
Factors influencing school board decisions on redistricting, Frank Edward Morgan
Principals' knowledge of legal issues related to search and seizure issues in Virginia, Nicholas Everett Kalafatis
Program evaluation in higher education: A case study, Elizabeth Delavan Steele
Relationships between experience, credentials, moral development, conceptual level, and self-efficacy of school counselors, Susan Emilie Halverson
Teacher efficacy and behavior: their relationship and impact on student learning, Linda Diane Avery
The growth and development of novice family counselors theory to practice, Denyse Brennan Doerries
The impact of a health promotion program on student health concerns, Grace Elizabeth Stay
The relationship among registered nurse's years of experience, credentials, work location, completed non-required continuing education hours, moral development and conceptual level, Agatha Custodio Dado Parks
Ties that bind: A multiple case study of issues of power and control in school cultures undergoing a change to inclusion, Phoebe Ann Gillespie
Vulnerability to disability following traumatic brain injury, Pamela Jo MacMillan
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
A cognitive development approach to professional ethics training for counselor education students, Nicole Marie Chase
Adults "making meaning" at Colonial Williamsburg: A descriptive study of planners' intentions and audience members' constructions of the 1996 History Forum, Joan Ellen Casey
A statewide survey of professionals' opinions and practices concerning the assessment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, Roberta Waller Thompson
A study of the special education administrator's role related to secondary transition: Management and leadership dimensions, Karen Richards Hudson
Competencies of the twenty-first century superstore manager: Implications for professional postsecondary education, Robert Stephen Kelley
Increasing teachers' and parents' awareness of indicators of giftedness in economically disadvantaged students, Clifton Gadberry Payne Jr.
Influences of self in career decision-making among gifted adolescents attending Governor's School in Science and Technology, William Rutledge Orton
Promoting the cognitive development of high-risk college students through a study/life skills seminar, Sandra Ann Loew
Promoting the moral and conceptual development of law enforcement officers: A deliberate psychological educational approach, Barbara M. Morgan
Resilience profiles of young children in special education and poverty-related programs: The role of protective factors, Evelyn Reed-Victor
The acculturation process for kaigaishijo: A qualitative study of four Japanese students in an American school, Linda F. Harkins
The impact of alternative scheduling practices on student performance in French I, Linda Moody Wallinger
The relationship between counselor education and moral development, conceptual development and self-actualization, Jered Benjamin Kolbert
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Academic advising in distance education, Robert Furman Curry
A comparative analysis of school-based performance of mobile and nonmobile students, Yvonne Darcel Smith-Jones
Administrative response to teacher incompetence: The role of teacher evaluation systems, Pamela DuPriest Tucker
An investigation of the relationship between college student development and alcohol consumption patterns, Laura Greer Hensley
Applying the transtheoretical model of change to court-ordered/DUI outpatient treatment clients, Cynthia Munch Levy
A study of the relationships between high school GPA and interpersonal adjustment, potential career focus, and study skills for high scorers on the Scholastic Assessment Test, Virginia Anne Carey
Clinical decision-making and clinical judgment outcomes by nursing students in traditional or nontraditional curricula, Dinah Jo Saunders
Comparison of the performance of students with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms and in pull-out special education programs, Patricia Jordan Rea
Faculty instructional development and oral communication in freshman seminars at the College of William and Mary, Tamara Louise Burk
Outcomes for students declassified from special education, Elaine Carlson
Role perceptions of elected and appointed school board members and their superintendents in Virginia, Karen Lynn Peterson Kolet
The effects of self-care training on the self-concept, self-care behavior, and metabolic control of diabetic children, Caryle Hopkins Zorumski
The relationship between parental incarceration and African-American high school students' attitudes towards school and family, Willie Lee Stroble
The relationships between experience, credentials, ego development, and conceptual level of National Certified Counselors, Joel Foster Diambra
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Adult attentional functioning in families with children diagnosed as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Michael C. McDonough
An evaluation of the academic outcomes of the Upward Bound program at Virginia Union University, James Edward Laws Jr.
An extension of dyadic counseling to multi-family group training with application for Head Start families, Janet J. Zanetti
An investigation of the achievement of 4 x 4 block-scheduled advanced placement calculus AB students, Carolyn Marie Keen
A study of the effect of interactive language in the stimulation of cognitive functioning for students with learning disabilities, Kathleen Ricards Hopkins
A study of the relationship of counselor education and moral development, conceptual development and self-actualization, Johnston McVicar Brendel
Comprehensive services for students with serious emotional disturbance: An analysis of state legislation and policy, Elizabeth B. Hill
Faculty moonlighting: An exploratory study of the motivation for seeking outside employment and its relationship to the effectiveness of community college faculty, Joanna Davis Hanks
Guided imagery as a psychoneuroimmunological intervention for HIV-positive individuals, Christopher Dale Keene
Institutional culture and support for faculty scholarship in a Virginia community college, Sarah Louise Etkin
Issues of power and centrality in United Methodist ministers' occupational activities: Implications for professional education, Richard Bruce Osmann
Laboratory and Field Investigations to Determine the Chemical Factors Affecting Zinc and Iron Transport at an Industrial Waste Facility, Michael Lawrence Chasey
Maintaining diversity in the shadows of conformity: Can a systematic attempt to maintain a university's distinctive mission override societal pressures for conformity?, Delrina Marie Clarin
Managing change for a distance learning initiative: An evaluation, Jeanie Pollard Kline
"Mattering" doesn't matter: An analysis of adult undergraduate persistence patterns, Terri Laskey Fauber
Multisystemic assessment and intervention: Effects of joining systems in the process of family therapy, Gail Bareford Hardinge
Performance of school-age children of prenatal cocaine exposure: Five case studies, Susan Larson Wallace
Principals as managers and leaders: A qualitative study of the perspectives of selected elementary school principals, Dean S. T. Cascadden
Principals' knowledge of legal issues related to the delivery of health services in Virginia, Lucia Villa Sebastian
School-university partnerships: An exploration of the relationship, Daisy Bertha Wood
Students with autism: A light/sound technology intervention, Patricia Powell Woodbury
Tapping hidden talent: The identification of culturally diverse students for gifted education programs in the southeastern United States, Priscilla Richmond
The characteristics and degrees of de facto consensus concerning the mission of K-12 public education in Virginia, Christopher Ryan Gareis
The comparison of student engagement rates during classroom discourse, cooperative learning, and lecture methods of instruction in secondary schools, Wendy Meadors Geiger