Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Teacher instructional practices designed to meet the individual learning needs of mathematically gifted/talented students in middle school Algebra I, Virginia Caine Tonneson
Teaching at the interface: Curriculum and pedagogy in a teachers' institute on Virginia Indian history and cultures, Lisa L. Heuvel
The elephant in the room: Deconstructing the place of conservatives in the student affairs profession, Jodi Fisler
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Acts of reciprocity: Analyzing social exchange in a university theater for social change project, Nicole Birgit Cloeren
Administrator and teacher perceptions of the qualities of effective teachers, Robert Eugene Williams
Against the odds: Academic resilience among high -ability African American adolescents living in rural poverty, Wendy Taylor Ellis
Choosing to succeed: An exploration of the relationship between college choice and freshman retention, James Tomlin Walke
Effective teaching practices and teacher efficacy beliefs of International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme teachers, Gregory C. Hutchings Jr.
Homogeneity in heterogeneous environments? An analysis of generation theory applied to college generations, Donna M. Eddleman
Literacy coaching and teachers' instructional practices: The impact of the Community Coaching Cohort Model, Sara Elizabeth Miller
Serving students from a distance: A content analysis of persistent characteristics in distance learners, Ann L. Sorensen
Student and faculty perceptions of trust and their relationships to school success measures in an urban school district, Dennis M. Moore Jr.
Survey of physical activity in elementary school classrooms in the state of Virginia, Gail Smith Elmakis
Talented collegians: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study of the talent development process in gifted undergraduate students, Angela Marie Novak Lycan
The effect of an African-American Rites of Passage prevention program on adolescent ethnic identity, drug attitudes, behavior in the classroom and academic performance, Jamie B. Rodriguez
The impact of the academic component of Response to Intervention on collective efficacy, parents' trust in schools, referrals for special education, and student achievement, Lisa Lee Pennycuff
The lost art of pledging within NPHC fraternities: The continuing presence of hazing during the membership intake process., Jerryl Briggs
The professional learning community and its effect on African American students' achievement, Anthony Eugene Copeland
The relationship between intensity of involvement and community service engagement in the moral development of student members of Greek organizations, Franklin Hadley Phillips
Understanding the friendship processes of individuals with Asperger's Syndrome: A phenomenological study of reflective college experiences, Kammie Bohlken Lee
University leadership in energy and environmental design: How postsecondary institutions use the LEED® green building rating system, Shannon Massie Chance
Upward mobility -- a study of barriers encountered and strategies employed by assistant principals aspiring to be principals, Todd Calvert Davidson
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Academic optimism and community engagement in urban elementary schools, Misty M. Kirby
A comparative study of the course taking and performance patterns of high achieving secondary students, Dewelynn Joyce Heeb Selberg
An evaluation study of the curriculum and instructional approaches employed in the Norfolk Public Schools gifted program, Katie A. Dolph
An examination of the relationships between ego development, Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration, and the behavioral characteristics of gifted adolescents, Carrie Lynn Bailey
An intervention study of primary age gifted students with strong nonverbal abilities from low income and culturally diverse backgrounds, Joanne Russillo Funk
A study of the talent development of gifted individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Diann Gully
Effective school -wide discipline through Positive Behavior Supports: An analysis of current practice, Dawn H. Padden
Enhancing counselor empathy to promote moral development and conceptual complexity: A new model for counselor preparation and supervision, Patricia Adele Logan
Hurricane Katrina families: Social class and the family in trauma recovery, Emilie E. Godwin
Is empathy the missing link in teaching business ethics? A course-based educational intervention with undergraduate business students, Christopher P. Adkins
Looking at/looking through: Teachers planning for curriculum -based learning with technology, Karen Work Richardson
Organizational citizenship behaviors, collective teacher efficacy, and student achievement in elementary schools, Jeffrey C. Jackson
Predicting success: Academic potential and talent development factors among Black and White students, Valija Cynthia Rose
Promoting moral reasoning and ego development through the use of deliberate psychological education in family counseling, Esther Benoit
Self -efficacy beliefs of elementary general education teachers in inclusive classrooms and the role of professional development, Sheila S. Ashley
Situatedness: The interrelation of factors impacting the educational pathway to degree attainment among Black and White doctoral students, Candice P. Baldwin
The impact of organizational culture on the academic success of Historically Black College and University athletes: A case study, Ralph Charlton
The mandate for social justice advocacy in counselor education: Using service learning to train masters' students as social justice advocates, Kristi-Anne Lee Wyatt
The power of African American parent perceptions on student achievement, Melody Luretha Camm
The relationship between cultural/ethnic identity and individual protective factors of academic resilience, Dale E. Weaver
The relationship between thinking style differences and career choice for high-achieving high school students, Mihyeon Kim
The talent process of successful academic women scientists at elite research universities in New York state, Lisa M. Kaenzig
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Academic optimism of Virginia high school teachers: its relationship to organizational citizenship behaviors and student achievement, Charles Allen Wagner
A comparison of elementary, middle, and high school principals' teacher selection practices and perceptions of teacher effectiveness, Sharmaine Denise Grove
A critical examination of practices and perceptions of current performance evaluation models for theatre arts teachers in Virginia, Shelley L. Nowacek
Advanced Placement world language teacher perceptions of high ability students and differentiated instruction., Bronwyn MacFarlane
An exploratory study of creativity -fostering teacher behaviors in secondary classrooms, Matthew J. Edinger
An exploratory study of experiences of gifted/sexual minority students, Rebecca M. Walter
An exploratory study of factors that relate to academic success among high-achieving African American males, Kianga Rhea Thomas
An investigation of practices to address the disproportionate representation of African American students in special education programs in Virginia, Stacia M. Barreau
A study of the evaluation procedures for professional development among public school districts in Virginia, Colleen Cannington Bryant
A study of the relationship between the mathematics and reading achievement of students with disabilities and inclusive practice in elementary schools, Sharon E. Siler
CBT to CDT: Toward a developmental paradigm for conceptualizing anger management, Yvonne Bissonnette Tate
Exploration of gendered patterns in counseling students' perception of training experiences, Yukio Fujikura
Exploring relational processes in families of gay youth, Gregory Scott Meek
Faculty ritual, solidarity, and cohesion: Thirty-five years of change at Eastern Mennonite University, Nathan F. Alleman
Faculty trust and its impact on voluntary teacher turnover intentions, Loree Cobb Reid
Organizational justice perceptions in Virginia high schools: A study of its relationship to school climate and faculty trust, Stephanie L. Guy
Pair counseling for high school students: Improving friendship skills, interpersonal relationships, and behavior among aggressive and withdrawn adolescents, John Kent Horton
Residential Schools and Gifted Students, Marvin M. Lee
Subjugated history: Empire, education, and espionage, Guruprasad Ghosh
Teachers' attitudes and practices toward differentiating for gifted learners in K--5 general education classrooms, J. Denise Drain
Teacher self -efficacy and beliefs for teaching mathematics in inclusive settings, Pamela Wilson Aerni
The assistant principal's role in special education: An inquiry into the supervision of special education at the building level, Valerie Walton
The effects of Preparing for Life as a University Student (PLUS) on student achievement, persistence, & integration, Pascal P. Barreau
The impact of district and school climate on student achievement, Kathleen M. Smith
The impact of leadership and other factors on successful International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs in the United States, Randi Reigel Riesbeck
The impact of legislation and litigation on the education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Selena Michelle Joy
The principal's workday: A comparative analysis of performance standards and principal practice, Holly Elizabeth Baker Richard
Women's perceptions of high risk drinking: Understanding binge drinking in a gender biased setting, Jill Lynne Russett
You're in the Army now: The Students' Army Training Corps at selected Virginia universities in 1918, Michael J. Faughnan
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
A comparative study of professional school counselors' and school counseling interns' multicultural competence and moral development: Exploring the gap between training and supervision, Dana Claudine Griffin
Addressing the learning needs of struggling adolescent readers: The impact of a reading intervention program on students in a middle school setting, John Anthony Caggiano
An exploratory study of teachers' critical thinking in elementary language arts classrooms, Susan McGowan
An exploratory study of the academic journey of successful twice exceptional students at a selective institution of higher learning, Paula K. Ginsburgh
A study of how Virginia school leaders use student achievement data in decision making, Susan Ann Hutton
Cooperating teaching as a professional development activity, Trina Lorraine Spencer
Faculty enacting their daily work-life: A contextual analysis of the academic role in a comprehensive university, Alexei G. Matveev
John M. Ellison within the veil: Confronting the challenges of leadership in the age of Jim Crow, Sherman John Curl
Postschool outcomes for young adults with mental retardation receiving transition services in Virginia: Caregiver perceptions, Marguerite Beth Graham
Promoting the ethical development of undergraduate business students through a Deliberate Psychological Education-based classroom intervention, Christopher Drees Schmidt
Service-learning and cognitive development: An exploratory study, Andrew D. Stelljes
Student attendance and its relationship to achievement and student engagement in primary classrooms, Roberta Adams Thayer-Smith
Teacher self -efficacy beliefs and their impact on recommendations for student retention at grades K--2, Nicole Pearce Rummel
The Virginia Preschool Initiative: Parents' perceptions of parental involvement, Elizabeth Outlaw Crawford
Virginia teachers' perceptions and knowledge of test accommodations for students with disabilities, William Michael Brown
What predicts alumni satisfaction? The impact of investment, involvement, and post -college outcomes, Amy Catherine Barnes
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
A descriptive study of teacher perceptions of self-efficacy and differentiated classroom behaviors in working with gifted learners in Title I heterogeneous classrooms, Kimberly M. Tyler
An investigation of Virginia school leaders' knowledge and perceptions regarding the impact of the discipline provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act on school safety and professional development, Charlotte Hardison Worley
A praxis of empowerment: Critically exploring family-school-community partnerships in Mexico and the United States, Kylie Phares Dotson-Blake
A qualitative investigation of the counseling experiences of college-aged women with a history of self-injury, Laurie Marie Craigen
Conceptions of morality held by eminent people, Janine Mary Lehane
Family counselors' experiences with multiculturalism in professional practice, Angela Rowe Holman
Gifted and talented adolescents' experiences in school counseling, Susannah Wood