Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Students' self-determined motivation, emotional intelligence and academic persistence: An examination of second year students at a public and a private historically black university, Evanda Shentelle Watts-Martinez
The relationship between student infractions and social emotional competence: A program evaluation of Responsive Classroom(RTM), Bloodine Barthelus
To experience something greater than myself: An exploratory case study of the impact of a faculty-led short-term study abroad on college student identity, E. Ashleigh Schuller Lee
Understanding the lived experiences of students in a comprehensive four-year undergraduate leadership development program, Jessica Walker Hench
Women in the Trenches: Barriers to Female Staff's Advancement in Higher Education, Carla A. Costello
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A descriptive case study of appreciative inquiry as an approach to strategic planning for special education in a public school, Paul L. Ruhlman Jr.
An analysis of state and local alignment of teacher evaluation in Maryland, Serene N. Peterson
An evaluation of Project iRead: A program created to improve sight word recognition, Theresa Meade Marshall
An exploration of compliance predictors of the institutional effectiveness requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges' baccalaureate instittutions between 2008 and 2012, Benjamin Ninjo Djeukeng
A program evaluation of a leadership academy for school principals, Kristi E. Wagner
Assessing the Effects of Workplace Aggression and Normative Unethical Behaviors on Counselors' Perceptions of Ethicality using an Integrative Understanding of Morality, Eleni Maria Honderich
Beyond academic preparation: Anticipatory socialization, values, and the experiences of undergraduate male African American engineering students, Jacob David Joseph
Building professionals: The intersection of professional learning communities and trust., Patrick McClintock-Comeaux
Choosing mental health: An investigation of the relationship between college student help seeking and self-authorship, Kendra A. Surmitis
Curricular pathways to Algebra I in eighth grade, Melinda Rose Griffin
Drivin' trucks, huntin' bucks, and reading Aristotle?: The rural student's college choice dilemma, Rachel Mayes Strawn
Evaluating a School-Based Day Treatment Program for Students with Challenging Behaviors, Antoine Lewis Hickman
Examining the development of self-authorship among student veterans, Sharon L. M. Stone
Females and STEM: Determining the K-12 experiences that influenced women to pursue STEM fields, Anne Marie Petersen
Fostering parental engagement in a rural Title I elementary school, Joyce R. McDowell
Investigating the relationships among primary teachers' math profile, math teaching efficacy, and math content pedagogical knowledge, Theresa Marie Roettinger
Korean elementary teachers' perceptions of giftedness and support for talent development, YoungEun Son
Leadership Challenges in Implementing a Balanced Literacy Model in Elementary Schools, Amy C. Colley
Living, learning, and leading from the middle: African American women administrators in student affairs, Melinda R. Jones anderson
Math talent development of elementary school students: The relationship of gender, math motivation, and goal orientation to math achievement, Ann Haimburger Colorado
Measuring fidelity of implementation using the survey of enacted curriculum, Edward Sean McDonough
Principals' perceptions of the effectiveness of a network support structure in a large urban school system, Racquel Jones
Successful pedagogical practices of elementary teachers of homeless students: A case study, Kimberly Owen Pickles
Teacher self-efficacy, content and pedagogical knowledge, and their relationship to student achievement in Algebra I, Antonia M. Fox
Teachers' Perceived Influences on Technology Integration Decisions: A Grounded Theory on Instructional Decisions after Professional Development, Karen Larsen Greenhaus
Teachers' perspectives of effective lesson planning: A comparative analysis, Jessica Miller Wunderle Straessle
The Impact of Leadership Behaviors of Blue Ribbon Catholic School Principals on School Culture, Rosaline Cardarelli
The relationship between teachers' computer self-efficacy and technology integration in a school district's bring your own technology initiative, Ashley F. Ellis
Toward the global public good: Accountability for higher education in the twenty-first century, Angelo J. Letizia
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
A critical study of Black parents' participation in special education decision-making, Tamara Lynn Freeman-Nichols
An evaluation of the implementation fidelity and outcomes of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in three elementary schools in Virginia, Barbara F. Wood
An investigation of relationships among school counselors' ethical professional identity development, moral reasoning, and attitudes toward confidentiality with minors, Morgan E. Kiper Riechel
A systematic/structural examination of factors that facilitate and inhibit natural recovery from alcohol abuse in college students, David S. Keel
A union of church and state: The Freedmen's Bureau and the education of African Americans in Virginia from 1865--1871, Aaron Jason Butler
Co-teaching: Perceptions of Urban, Secondary Co-Teachers, Michelle Boyd
Development of the Chae Optimal Supervision Environment Test, Ki Byung Chae
Dispositions and practices that promote teacher-student relationships with African-American male elementary students, Karyn Mitchell Yeldell
Executive search firms' consideration of person-organization fit in college and university presidential searches, James Christopher Turpin
Factors that contribute to the academic success of African American males: Perceptions of African American male high school students, Alexis C. Swanson
Faculty sense of academic optimism and its relationship to students' achievement in well performing high schools, Michael Tyrone Cromartie
High stakes testing policy issues in education: An analysis of litigation involving high stakes testing and the denial of diplomas, Lisa M. Winfield
How direct descendants of a school lockout achieved academic success: Resilience in the educational attainments of Prince Edward County's children, Randolph Williams
Impact of the Bologna Process and German higher education reforms on professorial work and role definition at the University of Potsdam: A case study, Christen Cullum Hairston
Infusing the school counseling internship with a global perspective to promote ego development, moral reasoning, and ethnocultural empathy: A deliberate psychological education, Derek Lane Robertson
Peopling the Cloister: Women's colleges and the worlds we've made of them, Caroline Simmons Leigh Hasenyager
Quality practices of alternative education learning environments as represented in Virginia's Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) program, Doris R. Feltman
Realizing federal policy outcomes of the post-9/11 GI Bill: Veterans' and active duty/reservist perceptions, Lydia Leporte
Social Organization Analysis of the Role of Academic Advising: A Case Study at the University of Liberia, Jobila Y. Williams Sy
Teacher perspectives of the use of student performance data in teacher evaluations, Paul Thomas Hopkins
The self on the page: Using student teachers' written stories as a reflective tool during the student teaching internship, Deborah O. Farina
Women in Engineering: The Impact of the College Internship on Persistence into an Engineering Field, Kimberly M. Brush
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
A Balancing Act: Division III Student-Athletes Time Demands and Life Roles, Daniel R. Hoover Jr.
An Investigation of Perfectionism and Life Satisfaction with Elementary Gifted Students, Maria A. Bessler
A recipe for relationships: A qualitative investigation of couples' relational interactions during meal preparations., Katherine Maya Hermann
Children serve too: An investigation of the impacts of military family life on adult relationships, Karena Heyward
Continuous Improvement Monitoring: An Analysis of State Special Education Compliance Procedures, Barbara Richmond Blake
Dealing with Dual Differences: Social Coping Strategies of Gifted and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Adolescents, Virginia Helen Hutcheson
Dimensions of Principal Support Behaviors and their Relationship to Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Student Achievement in High Schools, Jennifer A. Tindle
Emancipated Foster Youth's Transition from Care to Virginia Community Colleges, Shylan E. Scott
Empathy as a crucial skill for instructional coaches: Can it be taught?, Carol B. Carter
Esse quam videri, perhaps: State policy and institutional factors impacting low-income student enrollment at North Carolina's public and private four-year institutions, Leslie Neal Holly
Faculty perceptions of principal support and change orientation in Virginia high schools, Karen E. Cagle
From the Inside Out: An In-Depth Look into the Lives of Students with Dual Exceptionalities, Monique S. Sims
How institutional theory informs state education policy regarding exit outcomes for students with disabilities, Michele Myers Hopkins
Jumping off the couch: Infusing creativity into counselor education, Christopher Lawrence
Literacy self-efficacy and achievement of secondary students with disabilities, Mary Mau Runnells
Organizational justice perceptions of Virginia high school teachers: Relationships to organizational citizenship behavior and student achievement, William R. Travis Burns
Program evaluation of a school district's multisensory reading initiative, Michael Patrick Asip
Relationship between Teacher Self-efficacy and Use of Evidence-based Practices in Managing Students with Challenging Behaviors, Sheila R. Carr
Structuring reminiscence group interventions for older adults using a framework of mattering to promote wellness., Herman R. Lukow
Teaching slope of a line using the graphing calculator as a tool for discovery learning, Fiona Costello Nichols
The malleability of spatial ability under treatment of a FIRST LEGO League-based robotics unit, Steven Vincent Coxon
The Millennial generation: Howe and Strauss disputed, Holly Alexander Agati
The need for attention to cognitive development in the preparation and practice of mental health counselors as advocates for social justice., Mary Whitfield-Williams
The relationship of high school teachers' job satisfaction to principal support, Kathleen M. Bressler
Tuition discounting through unfunded institutional aid at private baccalaureate colleges, Jeremy Paul Martin
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Academic optimism and instructional leadership in urban elementary schools, Angela M. Allen
A critical look at minority student preparation to counsel white clients, Natoya Hill Haskins
Advanced learner perceptions of psychological well-being and school satisfaction in two educational settings, Janice C. Robertson
An analysis of the validity of the Enneagram, Sara Ann Scott
An examination of the similarities and differences in mental health status, working alliance, and social persence between face-to-face and online counseling., Courtney M. Holmes
Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect: The impact on academic self-concept, Peter O. Kwiterovich III
Educational efficiency in Virginia Public School Divisions, Clinton Robert Calzini
Effective reading comprehension teaching and research: How do they relate, Lauri M. Leeper
Growing up with violence: Examining the role of moral development in mediating the effects of community violence exposure., John A. Dewell
Middle school students' participation in extracurricular activities: Relationships to school identification and achievement, Stenette Byrd III
Pacific Trade Winds: Towards a Global History of the Manila Galleon, Matthew F. Thomas
Professional development practices in literacy and technology integration at socioeconomically different schools, Kendra M. Boykin
Prospective principals for the 21st century: Factors that motivate and inhibit the pursuit of school leadership for educational administration students, Tambra Michelle Pope
Research evidence use by rural central office administrators leading educational improvement, Patricia Moore Shaffer
Student trust in teachers and its relationship to student identification with school, student perceptions of academic press, and achievement, Regina A. Bankole