Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Program Evaluation of an After-School Reading Intervention Program in a Small Urban Elementary School, Erin Kershner
A Program Evaluation of A Technology Based Formative Assessment for Algebra Readiness, Cassandra Harris
A Program Evaluation of the Behavioral Intervention Component of the Virginia Tiered Systems of Support in Three Middle Schools, Anna Weigel Thomas
A Program Evaluation of the One-To-One Chromebook Initiative in a Rural School District in Virginia, Juvenal Enrique Abrego-Meneses
A State-Level Superintendent Evaluation Policy Analysis, Tracey L. Schneider
Critical and Creative Thinking in General Education: A Descriptive Case Study, Nicholas Richard Marsella
Education Reform as Moral Disengagement: the Racist Subtext of the State Takeover of Little Rock School District, Davis Clement
Exploring Kindergarten Teachers' Self-Perceptions of Writing Instruction: An Appreciative Phenomenological Approach, Elizabeth Auguste
Factors that Contribute to and Mediate Master’S Level Counseling Students’ Interest in Working with Older Adults, Nathaniel Jacob Wagner
Factors that Contribute to Motivation and Burnout among Teachers of Students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders, Adam Joseph Brown
First -Generation Hindu Indian-American Undergraduates’ Grief After Death of Grandparent(S) in India, Ramya Avadhanam
Knowledge, Perceptions, and Beliefs of Elementary Principals Regarding Whole-Grade Acceleration for Gifted Students, Allison A. Sheppard
Posttraumatic Growth of Young Adults Who Experienced A Parental Death during Adolescence: An Eriksonian Developmental Perspective, Victor Tuazon
Principal Support and Academic Optimism in Urban High Schools, Todd Edward Perelli
Project Based Learning to Promote 21St Century Skills: An Action Research Study, Jason Michael Allison
Promoting Student Success: A Program Evaluation of A Ninth Grade Transition Program, Micah Lonae Smith
Rural Students’ Experiences at Selective Four-Year Colleges: Pathways to Persistence and Success, Amy Sikes
Salud Mental: The Conceptualization and Experiences of Mental Health among Undocumented Mexican Immigrants, Edith Gonzalez
Teacher Perceptions of the Implementation Processes of the Imagine Learning Program in Title I Elementary Schools, Brigitt Angelica McGuinness
The Actions Institutional Agents Take to Support First-Generation Latino College Students at A Catholic Hispanic-Serving Institution: An Embedded Case Study, Diana Marie Hernández
The Duality of Dual Enrollment: How The Relationship between Student Demographics, Academic Metrics, and College Enrollment Adds Up, Tiffany Noel Ferrari
The Magnificent Seven: a Narrative Analysis of Suppressed Discourses in Psychiatric Diagnoses, Clayton Vance Martin
The Serving Supervisor: Supervisor Servant Leadership as a Protective Factor for Counseling Residents’ Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress, Colleen Grunhaus
The Transitional Generation: Faculty Sensemaking of Higher Education Reform in Ecuador, Mary Amanda Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Addressing Underrepresentation in Gifted Education: A Historical Case Study of Policy and Practice in One School District, Darlene Wiggins Dockery
A Delphi Study Regarding How, Can, and Should Individual Psychology Demonstrate Efficacy and Effectiveness Given Evidence Based Practice Evaluation Standards, Sterling Price Travis
A Multiple Case Study of Co-Teachers’ Technology Integration Knowledge: How It Is Held, Built, and Shared, Deborah A. Grosser
An Embedded Case Study of the Implementation of A School Division’S Benchmark Assessment System, Chelsea Ireland Kulp
An Evaluation of A Non-Traditional Program for High School Students, Anne H. Neve
An Evaluation of Southeast School District's Special Education Program's Compliance, Jennifer Anne Tingley
An Evaluation of the Vccs Developmental Math Redesign from A Faculty Perspective, Michael Frank Adkins
A Phenomenological Investigation of Selected Teachers’ Informal and Incidental Technology-Related Learning, Diana Lee Theisinger
Applying The Broaden-and-Build Theory to offender Counseling, Keosha Meka-Beyanka Branch
A Program Evaluation: Fidelity of Implementation of the Wilson Reading System in A Mid-Atlantic School District, Amy H. Stamm
Evaluating Programming, Performance, and Perspectives in Pursuing Progress for English Language Learners, Patricia Marie Tilghman
Examining Formal and Enacted Curricula for Culturally Responsive Strategies Regarding the Needs of Black Female Students: A Qualitative Content Analysis, Marquita Sherie Hockaday
Institutional Analytics: A Response to the Pressures of Academic Capitalism, Molly E. O'Keefe
Investigating Professional Development Models that Assist Teachers in Developing High Quality Teaching Skills: An Action Research Study, Lindsey Wood Caccavale
Making Meaning of Motherhood: A Phenomenological Investigation of Mothers Raised By Grandparents, Rebecca L. Sheffield
Novice Educator Perceptions of the Influences of A New Teacher Mentoring Program in A Hard to Staff School, Jennifer Lee Vaughan
Opportunities in the Lived Experiences of Successful High-Ability International Doctoral Students at a Selective U.S. Higher Education Institution, Nataliya Dudnytska
Psychological Capital: An Internal Resource for Counseling Students Coping with Academic and Clinical Stress, Abbas Javaheri
Relationship between College Student Identity Development and Readiness for Change, Pamela Jo Kayanan
Standing at The Crossroads: The Intersection of Sexual, Racial/ethnic, and Spiritual/religious Identities in African American Men Who have Sex with Men, Brian Allen Kooyman
Teacher Perceptions of Teacher Performance Pay and Performance Evaluation in Yunnan Province, China, Yi Hua
Teacher Perspectives of Whole Brain Teaching in A Suburban Middle School: A Program Evaluation, Wendy VanHosen
Teacher Self-Efficacy and Implicit Theories of Intelligence: Implications for Novice Teacher Retention, Linda E. Feldstein
The Impact of Professional Development on Reading Achievement and Teacher Efficacy in Delivering Small Group Reading Instruction, Sarah McGrady Schmidt
The Implementation of A Principal Mentoring Program and the Corresponding Impact on Leadership Practice, Paula Massey Huffman
The Influence of a theory based U.S. History curriculum on Student Content Knowledge, Student Historical Interpretation Skills, and Student Self Efficacy for Historical Inquiry, Sherry Joiner Harrell
Toward Culturally Responsive Online Pedagogy: Practices of Selected Secondary Online Teachers, April Lawrence
Toward Efficacy: Examining The Reported Impact of Quality Enhancement Plans on Student Learning in Postsecondary Contexts, Madeline Joy Smith
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Low-Income Pell Grant Undergraduate Students at a Most Competitive College, Michael Harold Postma
Validation of an Instrument for Assessing Conceptual Change with Respect to The Theory of Evolution By Secondary Biology Students, Kevin David Goff
Virginia Principals' Knowledge of Classroom Assessment and Support of Assessment for Learning Practices, Rachel Previs Ball
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A Comparative Case Study of the Role of the School District in Influencing School Improvement: Supporting and Turning Around Low-Performing Schools, Christopher J. Kelly
A Phenomenological Investigation of Women's Learning Experiences in Counselor Education, Lindsay Pennell Meyers
A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of High School Counselors involved in Determining Serious and Foreseeable Harm in Cases of Student Substance Abuse, Kathryn Goss Atanasov
A Program Evaluation of Teacher Perceptions on the Fidelity of Implementation of Professional Learning Communities., Elondra D. Napper
A Study of the Degree to Which School Districts in Virginia Include Legal or Illegal Inquiries on Employment Application Forms for Teachers, Rodney Jamel Brown
Beyond The Campus Tour: College Choice and the Campus Visit, Justine Rebecca Okerson
Chronic Sorrow in Family Members of Addicts: An Investigation of Partners of Addicts and Divorcees to Explore Chronic Sorrow as a Theoretical Understanding of the Experiences of Family Members of Addicts, Victoria Grace McLaughlin
College Athletes’ Reflective Judgment: A Moderator between Sport and Sociocultural Pressures, Body Ideal Internalization, and Body Dissatisfaction, Catie A. Greene
College, Interrupted: A Case Study of the Mental Health Leave Process, Rachel L. McDonald-Schneider
Community of Practice: Evaluation of A Collaboration Program in An Educational Setting, Denise Citarelli Jones
Comprehensive Internationalization: Examining The What, Why, and How at Community Colleges, Debra-Ann C. Butler
Developing Global Competency Skills in Grades 9-12: Implications for School Leadership, Bettina Staudt
Different Faces in Our Classrooms: Teachers' Cultural Perspectives of Heterogeneous School Environments, Paige Hendricks
Emerging from Resistance: The Origins of the Virginia Technical College System, Richard Allen Hodges
Framing The Degree: An Autoethnography of Trauma in the Graduate Student Experience, Kristen Tarantino
High Achieving English Language Learners: The Schooling Experiences of Former Ell Students Enrolled in Advanced High School Courses, Anthony Vladu
Inner City African American Female Adolescents:investigating Percpetions of Womanhood and Aggressive Behavior, Deneen Miller
Making Meaning with Multimedia in Secondary English Language Arts: A Multiple Case Study, Kerrigan Rose Mahoney
New Teacher Induction: A Program Evaluation, Warren Hunter
Personality Predictors of Academic Achievement in Gifted Students: Mediation By Socio-Cognitive and Motivational Variables, Sakhavat Mammadov
Reducing Disproportional Discipline Referrals for African American Male Students at The Elementary Level, Kelly-Robin St. John MacPherson
School Counselor Involvement in Partnerships with Families of Color: A Social Cognitive Perspective, Pamela Nadine Harris
Seeing The Paradigm: Education Professionals' Advocacy for The Gifted Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Patricia Costis
Teacher and Principal Perceptions of A New Evaluation Program for Teachers, Ruth Shannon Finnegan
The Effectiveness of the Achievable Dream Parent Involvement Program, Lee Vreeland
The Impact of the Social, Academic, and Moral Development Programs of an Achievable Dream on Students during their College and University Experience, Amy Lawrence Runge
The Relationship among Teacher Job Satisfaction, Trust in the Principal, and Principal Support, Natalie Elizabeth Lytle
Urban Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Virginia Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers, Bernadette Y. Smith
Voiceless in Medical School: Students with Physical Disabilities, Michael J. Donlan
Williams Hierarchical Integrated Model Measurement: Assessment Design, Construction, and Initial Validation, Amy Elizabeth Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Academic optimism, organizational citizenship behavior, and principal support: An examination of factors effecting teacher agency in elementary schools., Maria Terese Krug
A Value-Added Study of Math Teacher Effectiveness: A Comparative Analysis of Principal Evaluations, Self-efficacy Ratings, and Classroom Observations, Shannon Schmidt Butler
Beating the Odds: Towards Understanding How Principal Leadership Practices in High Schools Support School Completion for African American Males with Learning and Emotional Disabilities, Elaine Butler Gould
Building a consensus on the professional dispositions of counseling students: A content analysis on counseling student retention policies, Jeffrey Kyle Christensen
Chancellor's College success coach initiative: A formative program evaluation of the Virginia Community College system's initiative from the success coaches' perspective, Marcia C. Strange
Culture Clash: A case study of the issues that non-traditional college presidents face in adjusting to academic culture, Sean Michael Heuvel
Effects of virtual conversations on international, students' intercultural communicative competence, Jingzhu Zhang
Mission us and historical empathy: A qualitative case study of sixth-grade students' experiences, James Richard Maxlow