Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Navigating the academy: The career advancement of Black and White women full-time faculty, Wandalyn Fanchon Glover
Promoting cognitive complexity of direct care workers in adolescent residential treatment: A deliberate psychological intervention, Harry Jones Keener
Some make it, some don't: A study of the characteristics of aspiring academics using the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, 2004, Natasha Janson
Talent development in the performing arts: Teacher characteristics, behaviors, and classroom practices, Bess B. Worley
The relationship between curriculum alignment and selected mathematics teacher characteristics: An opportunity to learn study, Leslie W. Grant
The relationship between racial attitudes, ego developmental level and multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness in school psychologists, Valerie K. McDonald
Who flourishes in college? Using positive psychology and student involvement theory to explore mental health among traditionally aged undergraduates, Virginia Miller Ambler
Working to reduce ninth grade failure rates in urban school settings: A multi-case study of ninth grade transition programs in four urban high schools in Virginia, Lynnell Theard Gibson
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
A comparison of the critical thinking dispositions of arts and non-arts undergraduates, Nancy Ann Lampert
Analysis of data -based decision-making: The perceptions and roles of teachers and administrators, Richard Byron Bishop
A national study of scientific talent development in Singapore, Chwee Geok Quek
A pilot study of the "Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program" with gifted and potentially gifted learners in grades 3, 4, and 5, Heather M. French
Defining the roles and responsibilities of public school assistant principals in Virginia, David William Gaston
Developmental strategies and styles and their measurement, Wenyu Bai
Paraprofessional supervision: A survey of special education teachers and paraprofessionals, Yannis Mavropoulos
Predicting the outcome of leadership identification from a college student's experiences, Robert G. Wood
Retention of novice teachers: A study of factors that affect their decisions to stay, Kimberly Dawn Handley
School-based prereferral intervention practices, D. Elizabeth Crockett
Special education assistive technology: A phenomenological study of building administrator knowledge and practices, Patricia J. McMahon
Student athletes' collegial engagement and its effect on academic development: A study of Division I student athletes at a Midwest research university, Susan Beth Hathaway
Talent development and the creative writing process: A study of high -ability and gifted teenagers., Suzanna Elaine Henshon
Tenured teacher dismissal for incompetence and the law: A study of state legislation and judicial decisions, 1983--2003, Marguerita Kalekas DeSander
The development of self-efficacy in the teaching of reading, Peggy B. McMaster
The effectiveness of infusing multicultural knowledge and awareness into a Master's-level internship: A deliberate psychological education approach, Edward P. Cannon
The effect of a deliberate psychological education model on the ego development, moral development, and sexual assertiveness of college women, Juliana J. H. Mills
The foundations of college student leadership: Cognitive and personality correlates of leadership performance, Arnold Lee Leonard
The impact of undergraduate Greek membership on alumni giving at the College of William and Mary, Patricia Purish O'Neill
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
A mission in transition: Legitimacy, philosophical fit and student affairs cultures, Kevin Michael Hughes
An analysis of alternate assessment policy: Findings from six states, Tamra Roberts Cobb
A national study of curriculum policies and practices in gifted education, Kimberley Lynn Chandler
An examination of the relationship between ego development and parenting styles, Cheri R. Harrell
An exploration of the relationship between school counselors' moral development, multicultural counseling competency, and their participation in clinical supervision, Timothy J. P. Grothaus
A paradigm shift in progress: The impact of work hour reform on the operative volume of surgical residents, Kathryn A. Mendoza
A qualitative study of clergy career satisfaction, functioning, and clergy-congregant relations, Brian R. McDonald
A study exploring the educational needs of African-American pastors' wives within Baptist congregations, Jocelyn Georgette Henry-Whitehead
Cutting up the melon: A case study of academic earmarking at selected institutions, Sherrell Anthony Foster
Organizational citizenship behaviors of middle school teachers: A study of their relationship to school climate and student achievement, Marsha Moye Jurewicz
President J. A. C. Chandler and the first women faculty at the College of William and Mary, Carolyn Lamb Sparks Whittenburg
Recommended practices for effective teaching in the International Baccalaureate Program: An examination of instructional skills, assessment practices, and teacher-efficacy beliefs of IB teachers, Linda Prince Hutchinson
Relationships among counselor moral development, multicultural counseling competency, and attitudes towards people who have disabilities, Christine Sacco-Bene
Relationships among queer theory pedagogy, sexual orientation competency, and multicultural environment in counselor education training programs, Dennis Allen Frank
School-based family counseling practices: A national survey of school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers, Karen Y. Whitmore
Single mothers' experiences in family therapy: An investigation from an ego development perspective, Angela von Hayek
Supervising paraeducators: Practices and perceptions of special education teachers, Loury Ollison Floyd
The connection between qualities of effective teachers and selection interviews: The development of a teacher selection interview protocol, Jennifer Lilliston Hindman
The impact of cognitive development on compassion fatigue in emergency response personnel, Aaron Hugh Jackson
The impact of cognitive development on White school counselor interns' perspectives and perceived competencies for addressing the needs of African-American students, Tammi F. Milliken
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
5th grade student performance on Virginia Standards of Learning computer/technology assessment: An analysis of variables, Nancy Mann Buchanan
A correlational study of dimensions of organizational conflict, management styles, and burnout among directors of special education in Virginia, Allan Fleming Livers
An exploratory investigation of school counselors' experience in school reform: Interviews with ten counselors, Deborah Nackley Turner
A qualitative exploration of twelve licensed professional counselors' perspectives on the construct of shame, Mary Katharine Kresser
A study of the relationship between college student experiences and achievement, Carlane Jarice Pittman
Building communities of participation through student advancement programs: A first step toward relationship fund raising, Anita Story Friedmann
Collaborative practices in schools: The impact of school -based leadership teams on inclusive education, Lisa Jo Vernon
Effects of residential learning communities, on -campus housing, and gender on students' perception of their living environment, Jennifer Benson Jones
Foci of long -range /strategic plans: Externally accountable or internally systemic? An analysis of early 21st century K-12 planning documents, Cheryl Lynn Perkins Finch
In search of the "right place": Institutional image, person -environment fit and college choice, Amy Stuart Greenough
Instructional strategies in science classrooms of specialized secondary schools for the gifted, Donna Lorraine Poland
Parents, perceptions, passions, pathways, and patterns: Exploratory case studies of home education in the development of intellectually gifted individuals, Tacey Keller Hopper
Perceptions of Virginia beginning special educators regarding the frequency and helpfulness of mentoring activities, Alice Claire Culotta Giacobbe
Predisposing characteristics of learner success in online education, Shauna E. Tonkin
Rate of advanced placement (AP) exam taking among AP-enrolled students: A study of New Jersey high schools, Ellen C. Fithian
School improvement through site -based management practices, Annie Lunette Todd
The current setting of the evolution/creation debate in American public schools, Bradley Doyle Reynolds
The development of family counselors during internship: A multiple case study using constructive developmental theory, Donna Hines Kaiser
The effects of mediation on relationships between families of students with disabilities and school personnel, Mary Suzanne Creasey
The relationship of organizational health and school safety to student achievement, Harriet Ling Jaworowski
The use of performance indicator systems in public higher education, John Milan Davis
Use and effectiveness of test accommodations for students with learning disabilities on the Stanford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition, Deborah Whisler Rullman
Virginia Business Higher Education Council: A case study of interest group formation, Christiane Groth
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
A comparative study of the NCATE Standards and the Virginia Licensure Regulations for School Personnel with the perceptions of elementary principals and teachers, Stephen Joseph Chantry
An examination of counselor development and supervision among home-based family counselors in Virginia, Gerard Francis Lawson
An exploratory study of entrepreneurial arts and sciences faculty in the context of their work environments, Ronald Myers Hunt
An investigation of the National Staff Development Council's standards of staff development, Wendy Clark Krickovic
A phenomenological investigation of women's experience in family counseling: Interviews with ten mothers, Sharon Wilson Krumpe
A study of professional development at three midwestern, urban, public, elementary schools with increased student achievement in reading, Valerie Hastings Gregory
A study of talent development in a predominantly low socioeconomic and/or African American population, Jeanne Marie Struck
A study of the relationship between student achievement and home socialization, Janet Carter Crawley
College housing officers' job satisfaction: A national study, David Proctor Jones
Conceptual and moral development of substance abuse counselors: The relationship to counselor level of education, experience and recovery status, Shari McClung Sias
Content analysis of principal job descriptions and principal evaluation instruments of K--12 public education in Virginia, Nancy Irene Glick Catano
Emotional intelligence as a mediating variable in Astin's I -E -O model of higher education, Betsy Ross Edison
Evaluating music teachers in Virginia: Practices and perceptions, Charles Maranzano
Fostering student achievement: A study of the relationship of collective teacher efficacy and student achievement, Marilyn Frances Barr
General education and enrollment trends at private baccalaureate colleges, 1975--2000, Ellen Levy Vinson
Interorganizational relationships in higher education: A case study, Paul Edward Roche
Interorganizational town-gown relationships and property taxes: A case study, Cynthia Felix Burns
School climate and state standards: A study of the relationships between middle school organizational climate and student achievement on the Virginia Standards of Learning Tests, Jennifer Bishop Parish
The contribution of ego development level to degree of burnout in school counselors, Glenn William Lambie
The relationship between teacher sense of efficacy and pupil control ideology in urban middle schools, Thomas Hall Beatty
What are the characteristics of effective teaching? A comparative study of stakeholder perceptions, Christine Lucille Hill
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
A correlational study of school principals' perceptions of self-efficacy and the availability and quality of gifted programming in their schools, Louis Paul Lloyd-Zannini
A national survey of policies and practices regarding the performance evaluation of public school educators, Carole Beat Geiger
A study of metaphor development in young gifted children, Catherine Anne Little
A study of the congruence between the transition planning process and first -year outcomes for students with learning disabilities, Donna Marie Sabel
Factors contributing to the integration of computer technology in classroom instruction, Philip Michael Pavlidis
Faculty and multicultural education: An analysis of the levels of curricular integration within a community college system, Lillian Hoggard Williams